GIP + request

Sep 23, 2007 11:43

A conversation with wee_warrior in comments made me remember Toby Ziegler of the West Wing, and googling found me a whole page full of Toby Ziegler quotes. Presumably the other characters have quote pages on that site too, but I've been too busy fangirling all the lovely things Toby said to bother about that quite yet.

One quote that I had completely forgotten (I still don't remember the context) stood out to me as something I've really felt the need to say over and over again in fandom discussions, because, yeah. I can't be the only one often feeling that it's damned hard to hold any kind of conversation with people who are determined from the start that They Know the Truth and our job is to soak in their wisdom. So now I (yet again) have a new icon.


...And while we're on the subject of "shows that star Psych stars," I got massive LA Law nostalgia (it was one of my favourite shows when I was a kid) and started looking around. No DVDs? No torrents? One measly VHS on amazon for 20+ dollars? Eek! Does anyone know how I can get hold of this show again, preferably at a reasonable price? I know it can be risky to re-watch old favourites (oh GOD the horror that is Zorro) but considering that this show according to wikipedia got NINE actor/actress Emmy nominations in one year, it should be pretty safe to give it a shot. Please, anyone, help me?

gip, la law, west wing

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