Team Lund - looking for the sexy

Jul 25, 2007 20:56

I have now finished reading the Motivator thread at TWoP - 784 pages (and counting) of motivational posters. I guess that's the upside of being on vacation, that I can waste my time so completely.

Anyway. The current motivational posters are largely a competition between Team One-Geographical Place-or-Other about who has the sexiest people.

Hm, I thought. I can import that idea into my journal.

First I contemplated making a Team Sweden, but that is just too easy. This is the birth country of Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman, not to mention more recent beauties. Bitch, please, and all that.

So instead I made Team Lund, with some help from imdb where I couldn't manage on my own. And the sexy proved to be... pretty rare. On the other hand, we do have a lot of the funny, and funny is always sexy. As for the rest, you can judge for yourself, because I've made a list (though not in motivational form).

First there's the bunch I had never even heard of:

Ahnna Rasch
Apparently she's a model, which I suppose counts as sexy in itself. Pretty girl, though I'm suspicious of people who add an H to Anna.

Gotti Sigurdarson
Who is this guy, and why is his hair like that? The name suggests that he's from Iceland, but according to his imdb bio he's born in Lund. Fairly good-looking in that indiepop sort of way.

Ingrid Luterkort
I have no idea who this woman is, but per definition I think it's kind of hot to have that many wrinkles.

Malena Laszlo
I found a website that says she's won theatre awards for her interpretation of Rizzo in Grease. iTunes store (the Swedish version) also revealed that she has made a version of Amazing Grace that doesn't make me puke. Both those facts make Malena a sexy, sexy girl.

Marianne Ahrne
Director who'd get more points for both cred and beauty if she didn't look like such a typical "culture woman".

Ossi Carp
How on Earth am I supposed to know if he's sexy or not when he does that with his hand? Stoooop iiiiiit.

Paulinne Arpi
No! Hss! Argh! TV4 blondes are the scourge of Sweden.

Peter Eggers
I have no idea who he is and he's styled like a hooligan, but the bone structure isn't half bad.

Tobias Aspelin
Who is this guy? Is he hot? Is he not? I have no idea, but he's from Lund and so he makes the list.

...Wow, that's depressing. Let's move on to some people I actually had heard of.

Max von Sydow
Max is a very good actor. Highly acclaimed and all that. One thing he isn't, and has never been, is sexy. But Max can stay. He went to my high school. (Though obviously long before I did.)

Jan Malmsjö
There are sexy villains. The bishop from Fanny & Alexander is not one of them. However, Janne is holding a Pride flag, and that makes me happy. Janne can stay.

Martin Dahlin
Soccer is evil, but that won't stop me from admitting that Martin is good looking. Hey, it's not like I have a lot to choose from here.

Henrik Johnsson
Argh! Who let another TV blond in here! They're not better when they're male, and they're certainly not better when they have an upper lip stuffed with snuff.

Mikael Håfström
Oscar nominations are sexy. So are box office hits.

Torkel Pettersson
Honestly, when you've seen a guy both as an overstyled Gladiator champion and as an insecure garbage collector with erectile dysfunction, it's hard to think of him as sexy. But he's talented and good looking and I quite like him.

That wasn't terribly encouraging either. Fortunately, Lund has one card left to play: the funny people. Funny is sexy, remember!

Anna-Lena Brundin
Funny is even sexier when its mouth is as dirty as Anna-Lena's. Video link. (Swedish)

Folke "Spuling" Lindh
Shut up. I love Spuling. Video Link. (English - Spuling appears only a little here and there.)

Måns Nilsson
One half of Anders&Måns, who are both the very definition of adorkable. Video link. (English)

Okay, so funny may not always be sexy... But Johan Wester and Anders Jansson both look better out of costume (it'd be hard not to) and Anders is so great as Tiffany Persson that I'd love to call him sexy. Video link. (Swedish)

Magnus Börjeson & co
Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers is so great I'm willing to call everyone involved a sex god. Video link. (Music only)

Sanna Persson Halipi
Qualifies as a sex god since she was in aforementioned movie. She was also in HippHipp. She's also in pretty much everything that requires a cool, funny Lunda-girl. But why does this photo make her look ten years older than she is?

Fredrik Ljungberg, Jonas Sykfont, Magnus Thomson, Fredrik Åkerman, Anders Andersson, Olof Wallberg and David Wiberg. Awesome, funny, and thus by definition sex gods. They're also the only celebrities I've ever proposed to. (Well, technically axa and I proposed to two of their characters - Tord Yvel and Romeo Olsson - and were told they were available for marriage. Darn, we should have gone to Österlen and married the old geezers. *g*) Behold their hit single Global Fussball OK, with the fake synth group The Germans of Lund. Video Link. (Umm... Swedish/German/English/pig latin?)

That's the whole list. Darn, I should have made a Swedish one. The top ten would have been drop dead gorgeous, I tell you. *grin*

sweden, celebrities

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