thoughts on Lost and Heroes, and a little poll, yay!

Jun 01, 2007 18:34

Dear Lost people.
I'm confused. If you're going to have only three completely, utterly kick-ass moments in the finale, why have them all within the same two minutes? Seems like a waste of other finale time, if you ask me.


I know that Sayid/Sawyer is so two and a half years ago, but I still think that personality-wise, they'd make a very good pairing. In fact, I can't think of anyone who'd be as suited for Sawyer as Sayid would - he's patient and intelligent enough that he might actually be able to sort him out a bit without putting up with his bullshit, and at the same time they share a dark side, a violent part of themselves that's more dominant than in most people. And as sweet as the Shannon/Sayid romance was, I don't think she had the capacity to understand that side of him, but Sawyer - well, I won't say "would", but at the very least "might".

Interestingly enough, despite my ick for the dom/sub slash stereotype, and the conviction that in most ways these two are truly equal, I can easily see them in a sort of BDSM relationship where Sayid sets the rules. It might be a sort of challenge, an exercise in trust: "You will come to this tree tomorrow at noon. I will tie you to it and beat you ten times with a bamboo stick. No more, no less. Then I'll let you go." I don't think Sawyer has been spoiled with many people he could trust to keep their word, much less anyone who'd also expect him to keep his.

What complicates the issue isn't just that Sayid has tortured Sawyer at one point, but rather what that moment shows about their characters. Sayid has a punishing streak in him, and Sawyer one that wants to be punished. If the relationship isn't to be completely dysfunctional (though of course that might be interesting too), I think that would have to be acknowledged, and a fine balance upheld to not step into the easy trap of letting both men play their worst sides against each other. An example of a way to do this might be a scene in which Sawyer has done something bad and is remorseful (in that belligerent way he has), and he comes to Sayid, going "All right, gimme that beating." At which point Sayid recognizes that doing that at such a point (even more if he himself had a reason to be angry with Sawyer) would be damaging to the both of them, and instead says, "No. This time you tie me to the tree and beat me ten times. No more, no less. Then you let me go." Sawyer would probably have difficulty accepting such a change in the deal, but Sayid can be a very persuasive man.

Question is, would they manage that balance? Would they be able to build something out of the relationship that was good for them both? I guess the answer to that depends on what kind of story is being written. I'll say this, I think they stand a pretty good chance, and that Sawyer in particular stands a better chance with Sayid than with almost anyone else. At the same time, I don't think it's possible for either of them, apart or together, to "heal" fully. The ugliness in Sawyer's life was too early, and in Sayid's too regular, for that to be a viable option. But Sayid has to a certain extent moved on. Sawyer hasn't. Maybe this way... who knows?


Lost and Heroes have had a lot of comparisons in the media, and one rather amusing angle struck me. Lost has an Indian playing a Middle-Eastern guy, while the Koreans on the show are actually Korean (or of Korean descent). On Heroes, the guy of Indian descent plays an Indian, but the Korean plays a Japanese guy and the Middle-Eastern guy plays an Italian.
Am easily amused.


For the Swedes on my flist who are into Heroes (not many, I know), Lilla Idas Sommarvisa = Linderman. My brain works in strange ways. But seriously, all that stuff about "making the flowers bloom", not to mention the last line, "the legs become full of run-around," and the general attitude of "Whoo! I'm a miracle maker! Watch me r00l the world!" just screams Linderman to me. If the song were in English and I wasn't already busy with Peter, I might have tried to vid it.


Speaking of vids, while Milo's stint in a music video was nice because he's half naked and full of tattoos, Adrian's ten seconds in the missus' Goodbye Earl is what I've seen half a dozen times or more. Largely because the rest of the vid rocks too. Yay for putting in old familiar faces like Jane Krakowski and Michael DeLuise, and yay for the total awesomeness of the video in general, and yay for Natalie Maines being totally cute while still looking like Eddie Izzard. I now wish Nat and Ades were one of those couples on Qruiser who keep browsing the sites of bi girls looking for a third partner. Except I don't, because that would be creepy. But I muchly love them both.


Rounding up with a poll, largely because I've watched almost ten ep of Mysterious Ways now and am falling in love with Declan to a ridiculous extent. On a sheer physical level, I think I love him more than Nathan, though personality-wise... um... Nathan wins. Or not. The jury is still out on that one.

Poll levels of hotness

heroes, music talk, dixie chicks, lost, tv talk

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