My Day, by Katta

Oct 26, 2006 18:46

Ways in which this day has sucked:

* Bunch of guys refused to leave library when it closed. Half of them insisted they had to call home. Other half went back in as soon as I'd ushered them out and was heading for first half. When I'd finally got all of them out, calls started coming in - turns out they weren't calling home, they were making prank calls as soon as I was in another corner of the library. Callers wanted to talk to the principal, threatened with police action, and asked if we don't keep the kids in check.

Which is true. I don't. I'm a sucky disciplinarian. I never wanted to be any kind of disciplinarian to begin with. Some parts of my job are more fun than others, but this is the only one I actively hate: having to play police around a bunch of kids who have never learned to respect anyone's wishes but their own.

* My new Supernatural DVD box turned out to have no extras whatsoever. Zero. Which, since I've already downloaded the eps, means that I've paid a pretty significant sum of money for pretty pictures and the ability to watch the eps from my sofa instead of my computer chair.

I've already opened the package, unfortunately, to check for extras. The site didn't promise any, either - I went to look, and they didn't say anything one way or another. That'll teach me to make assumptions. (Why on earth would they import the DVD box with extras when they can import one without extras?) I very much doubt I can get a refund. Anyway, I'm too lazy to try.

* WMM still isn't working. Since the main trouble seemed to be touching the timeline ("OMG she TOUCHED me! Assault!!! I'll freeze!") I thought perhaps I could at least split Monday/Tuesday into three parts to put up on YouTube for sarcasticwriter, even if I couldn't vid. Turns out transferring the clips to the timeline touchlessly works just fine - but trying to save the movie file freezes the program again.

I'm getting very, very tired of this, I can tell you.

Ways in which this day hasn't sucked:

* Since my bosses weren't quick enough last month for me to get the money for the extra hours then, I got a shitload of money now instead. With the money from my other jobs, that's a total of 17,779.41 SEK after tax ($2,446.263). That's more than twice what I usually have.

* Is actually from yesterday: got called up from Helsingborg city library, and they asked me over for an interview next week. Yay! Next week is autumn break, so while I'm still at work, I don't think anyone will mind too much if I either take a day off or tweak my hours around a bit. And the job the interview's for is 100% as well as a steady position. So fucking great.

* Got the SPN story sent off to the betas. Now I just have to figure out what to do next. (It's not that I don't have any ideas. I have too many of them, and most of them are long-ish.)

supernatural, computer, rl, work, fic talk

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