Putting my money where
my mouth is - or more accurately, I suppose, putting my mouth where my mouth is - this is my entry on why Robin Wood rocks my socks. It's not what you'd call coherent meta, mostly just a list of reasons why I love him.
I think at the core, Robin is more of an Angel character than a Buffy character, which appeals to me, but could at least partly explain why he doesn't get much loving fandom-wise.
Well, he's getting some from me.
I love that he's very comfortably adult. For him, dating and working and paying your bills are just aspects of life, not things to get all angsty about. I was never very good at being a teenager even when I was one, and for me he's such a welcome rest from the teen-ness of the show.
I love that his only comment to the mess going on in his school is a simple, "God, I hope that's not a student," about the pig in the basement.
I love that despite his cool exterior, he can still get upset - and how! The revenge storyline was awesome to me in so many ways. For one thing, it's the sheer greyness of it. Watching Lies My Parents Told Me, I honestly can't say there's one "side" more right than the other. I lean towards Robin being wrong, but even so, I have more sympathy for him. It's all so muddled. He does have a legitimate gripe, but he uses lies to get to the point where he can fight Spike without interference. The deciding factor for him is that he thinks Spike is still dangerous, but when Giles asks if it's not a question of personal vengeance, he asks "Does it matter?" Which, y'know, bonus points for honesty. He makes sure that Spike is in demon form before he tries to kill him, but it doesn't bother him that he's killing the soul along with the demon.
I love that in the end, when given the choice between doing what's best for him and his quest for revenge, and doing what's best for the world, he chooses the world. (Yeah, okay, so having the crap beaten out of him might have had something to do with it, but he made a choice to keep fighting with the others.)
I love that he has a weapon cabinet in his office, but still enjoys his job as more than just a cover for vampire hunting.
I love that he's so suave most of the time, yet isn't above putting his foot in his mouth. ("I'd, um- I'd like to take you out to dinner, if that's all right with you. I mean, you don't have to. I'm certainly not saying come to dinner if you enjoy having a job. -- You know, I may have to make up a document saying I didn't just say that and have you sign it.")
I love that he burst into laughter when Buffy asked if she was hired for her councelling skills, and that he then lamely tried to cover it up.
I love that he's willing to follow Buffy when he thinks she's got a good idea, but that he won't loyally follow her just because she's Buffy.
I love that he has mommy issues instead of daddy issues.
I love that even though his mother was a Slayer, he's just a guy. No powers, no destiny, just a guy who has trained enough to have some moves.
I love that he's hung up on Slayers, but that he's still not willing to take any "isolationist Slayer crap." I love that he sees a middle road between twu wuv on one hand, and shagging someone and treating them like lepers on the other. He sees a middle road for Faith too - she's not either Da Coolest or OMG!Evil to him, she's a girl who's brave and Slayery and fun to be with, yet has some rather immature ideas about men.
I love that his reply to Faith claiming she's so hot she automatically turns men into assholes is, "Please. I'm so much prettier than you are." (Do I believe him? Hmm... I'd say that Faith pre Eliza's new cheekbones is prettier, but that he's prettier than Faith post Eliza's new cheekbones.)
I totally love that he does a thumbs up to describe Faith's "enthusiastic" sex style.
I love that in the end, his way of surprising Faith had nothing to do with sex. It kind of proved his point.
I love that even when he's near-fatally wounded, he still keeps driving the bus. I couldn't drive a bus without a dep hole in my midriff.
I love that he survives. :-)
...I'm sure I've forgotten some stuff, but this is what comes to mind right now. Also, earn cookie points by showing me fic. (And no, fic where he's described as Faith's ball and chain that she's so glad to get rid of doesn't count.) My own, in case I have somehow managed to raise your interest, is