Now I've done my duty for this year and voted. Yay me.
It's ridiculous - this is my third time and I still get nervous as hell. Of course, each time is in a new place (because I haven't lived four years in the same place since I got the right to vote), and now it was in a place where I had never even been before, but it's not just that. There's something about the entire situation that makes me nervous. Maybe it's the big media coverage of the election that pings my "OMG what if something goes wrong!"-ometer. So I get all jittery, and then it's over in five minutes. Oh well.
The party I voted for is a bit on the kooky side, but I agree with a lot of its goals, so I figured it was my best option. Voted for a newly-formed party in the local elections, though - I agreed with a lot of its goals too, so I figured, why not give it a chance? Voting feels more meaningful in the local elections, too. In the national, it gets down to the social democratic concrete-assed bureaucrats currently in power, or the right-wingers that flirt with Order, Police and Family. Yay. *puke*
Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that the 4% system means that small parties get to decide things too, but the downside is that they all become padding for the bigger parties to fill their seats.
In other news, am still watching TV shows on this computer since there's nothing on the actual TV that's the least bit interesting. Okay, that's a lie - just yesterday I watched Parkinson and Kvarteret Skatan - but for the most time, the computer fills my needs.
I still haven't gotten through
roseveare's Doctor Who eps - am halfway through Terminus now. I've discovered yet another reason why I have a hard time concentrating when I watch old DW eps: the dialogue. A lot of the shows I like have dialogue that is admittedly unnatural, but very entertaining. Most of the DW eps I've seen are rather straightforward in comparison - people get the point across, but they don't put a twist on it.
Also, am really not fond of Turlough so far. He's very nails-on-a-chalkboard to me. But then, he does have a personality, which I suppose gives him an advantage.
Still, I try to remind myself that there are eps I have liked, and hope that I can find some more of them.
I've also tried watching several eps of Zorro that someone on a mailing list uploaded, and God Almighty, there are some childhood memories that shouldn't be relived. That show is bad. Suddenly its fandom makes so much more sense to me. I know that each episode is only twenty minutes, but you can do a lot in twenty minutes. Or you can waste them completely, which is usually the case here. The way I can see it, the redeeming features are Juan Diego Botto's fledgling good looks, and that Duncan Regehr is a good and sympathetic actor who makes the most of the lines he's given and makes me like Diego more often than not. (I'm not entirely sure I like Zorro, though.)
These Young MacGyver clips made me indulge in another bout of nostalgia - downloading a couple of MacGyver eps. Though anvillicious at times, it's still nice with a hero who's into being smrtz without that making him any less tough-guy.
I watched The Stringer, since the idea of MacGyver's nephew made me think of cousin slash, and having now seen S.A.M. in action for the first time in... well, I can't remember how many years, I definitely want some cousin slash. Okay, yeah, so Dalton James's good looks are a little bit too early nineties pinup boy, but he and Padalecki would still be so cute together. Also, I have to admit I'm sentimental - the episode made me all mushy. Sap.
Saving the best for last: I've fallen for peer pressure and started downloading House. Why each ep needs to take five-ish hours in download is beyond me (damned torrents), but I've seen the first three, and I'm liking it muchly.
Am kind of confused as to why I haven't seen Cuddy's name mentioned more often in fic summaries and so forth. I mean, yeah, I'm biased, since I loved Lisa Edelstein on West Wing and even more on Ally McBeal - it takes some class to play a transsexual on a fairly homophobic show (come on, it kind of was) and still keep your dignity. So maybe it's just me, but... she rocks, doesn't she? I mean, Edelstein, yeah, but Cuddy too? She's a rocky rocky thing? It can't be just me.
Maybe it's because she's not part of the team, I don't know. I mean, the only person she really talks to so far is House, and he hates her guts. (Even so, though, I must wonder if he's blind. Pretty girls don't go to med school? Gee, Greg, have you noticed that YOUR BOSS is about ten times hotter than the girl you're currently talking to?)
So far, I'd say that she's my fave character (based on only three eps, I hurry to add). Followed by House, of course, then Chase, then Foreman, then... oh dear, do I really have to choose between Wilson and Cameron? So far, they're both really bland. I even liked the sanctimonious girl from the Craft more than I liked either of those two.
Also, obviously I need to watch more Australian TV, because I totally thought Chase was a Brit. There was a time when I totally wouldn't have made that mistake. Where's Neighbours when you need it? Or something shorter - Dusty? Skipper? The Girl From Tomorrow? Spellbinder? (Children's TV in the Swedish eighties - brought to you by the Australian/Canadian alliance.)
Anyway. Ep four to be seen ASAP.