(no subject)

May 14, 2006 21:02

Just got a ff.net review of Good Intentions that read, "grate fic I loved it."

Is it just me or is there something incredibly sweet about short, badly spelled feedback?


I got roseveare's discs with the Fifth Doctor that she's lending me, but unfortunately they don't play on my crappy old computer, and when I showed my VHS copy of Castrovalva to axa she was bored out of her skull. She cheerfully suggested that I watch the discs on her computer while she's sleeping, but that's not how I want to hang with my friends. So is there anyone in the Lund/Malmö region who wants to watch them with me?

Och på svenska för att få er uppmärksamhet: är det nån i Lunda/Malmötrakten som vill kolla dem med mig?

If not, I guess I'll just ship them back to roseveare again. It's not like it's such a big deal - I'm more curious/interested than in love. The old eps have their good sides, but there's no doubt that they're a bit slow and with less focus on emotions and humour than I usually like.

I guess the problem with DW as a legacy is that it's part of so many people's childhood memories, and you can't form childhood memories as an adult. I look at Degrassi High and go, "This is not as good as I remember it" (though Spike is very pretty, and prettier yet in the new series), or at Little House and go, "Oh my GOD what a train wreck!" but regardless of all that, I still love the associations I have with the shows.

So I can watch old DW and enjoy it, but I can't get nostalgic about it, nor as enthusiastic as I get with the new eps.


Companion job sent me to Copenhagen yesterday, where at the train station, a drunken, bearded man approached us and declared in accented English: "I love you, for you are a human being! I love all the people in the world! You are welcome to Denmark!"

Good to know. :-)


Free magazine Filmguiden did a breakdown of the recent big buck movies. They gave as the "gimmick" for Superman Returns, "Superman is Jesus" and as its major problem, "That Superman is Jesus." The major problem of The Da Vinci Code was, "We who can read four syllable words will be embarrassed in the ticket line" and of PotC2 it was, "Orlando and Keira having speaking parts." :-)

I strongly suspect that the Da Vinci Code major problem might stop me from seeing the film. Occasionally I'm a snob. Good thing it doesn't happen often.


I got annoyed by people at TWoP who suggested that Jack Harkness was a jerk for using people for sex. WTF, the man is pretty damned obvious. If people want to have sex with him anyway, how about assuming that they're mature adults who can make a decision like that and not regret it afterwards?

Jack cons people for money. He doesn't con them for sex. At no point does he say, "I love you, you're the only one for me, I want to be with you for the rest of my life," so let's not pretend that he's Parker from BtVS.

But there's some sort of attitude going around (in a lot more places than just internet boards) that men who like casual sex are deceivers, and women who like casual sex are either evil or horribly unhappy. I mean, Jesus, take Faith - hardly poster girl for emotional sanity even when she's good. Or Daisy Adair, who shags celebrities left and right and who's dying thought was "Why has no one ever loved me?"

So separating sex from love means that there's something wrong with you - even if the person you're having sex with is doing the same thing.


From that thought, the step was not far to My So-Called Life and the attitudes I've had to Jordan and Brian. See, as a girl in puberty, I adored Jordan, because let's face it, he's a very pretty boy (and has that androgyne quality I like so much). A few years later, I came to the conclusion that though he's not as pretty, Brian is a much better guy.

A few years later again, I'm thinking, says who? I feel a bit sorry for Jordan, truth be told. He never asked to be subjected to Angela's romantic notions of a relationship, and he never pretends to live up to them. Sure, the way he sulks and pouts when she won't sleep with him is asshatty and annoying, but so is the way Brian sulks and pouts because she won't return his feelings.

I think Brian is probably a better choice for Angela, because she's a dreamer and a thinker who can't in the long run be happy with a guy like Jordan, but that doesn't mean that Brian is a better person.

Of course, I don't think the show itself ever suggested that he was. It was an excellent example of unreliable narrator, told as it was by a fifteen year old girl with all her little prejudices and precocious ideas.


Daisy finally lay still while I had my mobile out so I could take some pictures of her. I took three pics in three minutes (so they're pretty much exactly the same) and have now uploaded them to my LJ gallery.

Daisy 1
Daisy 2
Daisy 3

film talk, feedback, twop, pirates of the caribbean, rl, doctor who, daisy, pics, cat, sex, my so-called life, tv talk, the da vinci code, animals, good intentions, superman returns

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