Apr 20, 2006 22:42
Have been browsing the net (TWoP, Crack Van, Outpost Gallifrey - you name it) and have one lovely quote and one question.
The quote is actually only borderline DW-ish, but it does come from the Rose thread on TWoP:
Steven Moffat (writer of 1-9, 1-10 and 2-4) cheerfully admits the central character in Coupling is "Me. Only better looking, more charming and wittier. I mean, nobody else is going to write a handsome, charming, witty Steven Moffat into their script are they? Unless, of course, they've met me."
*Loves Steven Moffat muchly for saying such Moffaty things.*
The question has to do with the First Doctor. I've seen mentioned that his first companion was his granddaughter Susan, so I'm wondering: was that an actual granddaughter, or was that just their cover story? Because if she was his actual granddaughter, I don't quite see how anyone can claim that the Doctor (pre-Eight, that is) was asexual by definition. Well, unless Time Lords breed through some strange non-sexual alien means. (Which is entirely possible. And of course some regenerations could be asexual and some not... they're certainly different enough in other ways.)
doctor who,
tv talk,
steven moffat