
Dec 23, 2005 06:20

I just offered - and was given - a pinch hit for yuletide. A thousand words in two days, one of which is Christmas Eve. And Christmas is traditionally celebrated on Christmas Eve in Sweden. ('Cause we're cheaters.) Yeah, that's not taking water over my head or anything. The upside is that I've considered writing in that fandom before - the downside is that the reson I haven't written in that fandom before is that it's been years since I spent any quality time with the canon.

I guess my plan looks like this:

8-12: Work, where I can also do some panicking) and plotting.

12-15: Going home (more plotting), starting up.

15-? Rehearsing Christmas songs in church (also a water-over-my-head thing, since I haven't played the violin in a very long time).

Rest of dec. 23rd: WRITING.

Morning, dec. 24th: More writing. Finishing and uploading.

Rest of dec. 24th: Celebrating Christmas with my family.

...and I just realized, there's no time for beta reading. Uncensored Katta? Oy.
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