Star Wars beta needed

May 25, 2005 11:55

About now, everybody is off creating deep RotS tragedies, except for the ones making hilarious RotS parodies. Me? I make fluff. About a movie that still has me heartbroken days later (despite re-watching the original trilogy to make it all okay). I guess it's my way of coping or something.

In other words, since no one seemed willing to write child!Han for me, I did it myself. The story is very short, only slightly above 1000 words, and it doesn't have a title yet (though I'm considering a few). And, well, if you don't think the idea of a small, Huck Finn-like Han is adorable, you probably shouldn't read it. But if you do, I could really use the input, especially considering it's a brand new fandom for me, writer-wise.

Don't hesitate, just please help me!
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