cramming lots of subject into a relatively small post

May 03, 2005 17:21

I got the draft of my essay in yesterday - yay me! This means that with luck, I'll be a librarian by mid-June as planned. It also means that for the first time in a month or so, I actually have time to write. I've written 2000 words of Birthdayverse in two days - one Gunn and Wesley scene, and one Kate, Wes and Angel scene. Keep this up and I'll have a story within a week.

Of course, I won't keep it up, because my sister (and nephew) is coming down to visit the new baby. Big family reunion here!

And speaking of family reunion, I went to buy some cat stuff from villemo today. Am starting to feel like this whole talk about me getting custody of Spike by next weekend is actually more than just talk. I just keep expecting my parents to change their minds, because how can they not want to hold onto that big lovable doofus forever and ever?

I do rather think they have some sort of joined custody in mind, since Mom suggested that I buy all new cat things instead of moving the old things. But I also think Mom wants Spike to just move out already so she doesn't have anyone to feed at the end of a long day, no matter how much she'll miss him. (Dad, I think, would be happy to have him forever, but Dad doesn't make the decisions around the house.)

In any case, it'll be lovely to finally have him around. I hope he can adapt to him - the apartment is a bit smaller than he's used to, of course, but on the other hand I'm home a lot more than my parents are.

On a completely unrelated note, this interview with the new X-men director sounds rather promising. He sounds prepared to do his own thing, which is rare by the third movie, and he's interested in the characters and story rather than the toys and effect... methinks this will be more of a fangirl film than a fanboy film. But of course, I could be wrong and end up terribly disappointed.

And finishing on a sad note: I'm a moron. I ordered a Buffy season on tradera and forgot to check my address, which means that said Buffy season has been shipped to my old address. Sure, they'll pass it on to me, but meanwhile I have no season and I'm in danger of pissing off the seller, who won't get the money until I've okayed the purchase (Payson guarantee).

animals, spike, cat, family

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