Lives in the Balance

Jan 19, 2005 22:54

Remember how I liked Dr. Dawn's Wes vid to The Pretender so much that I ended up buying a Jackson Browne collection? No? Well, never mind. I did.

Anyway, soon after buying it, I discovered that this is not an album you can have on while you're washing the dishes. This needs listening, in particular to the lyrics. And since it's a double disc and I've been busy with the new apartment, it has taken me a while to discover all the gems.

Such as "Lives in the Balance." What is it about anti-war songs that makes them relevant every time there's a war? Or perhaps the question should be, what is it about wars that makes the same arguments relevant? At least that's one of the questions he asks:

You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that you’ve seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war

Full lyrics can be found here, and a wav file of the song can be found at the bottom of this page.

music, jackson browne, vid rec, politics

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