watching, hearing and (unfortunately) reading Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves stuff

Jan 14, 2005 10:43

Dear misters Penham, Watson, and Reynolds: One "OMG we're related!" revelation is quite enough for a movie. Two is overkill. Which I assume you know, considering it was cut out of the original version.

In other words, I've spent the past couple of days watching the Robin Hood double-disc DVD. And generally speaking, I'm happy about buying it. Though previously mentioned subplot didn't catch my fancy, I liked some of the other additions, in particular the lengthened scene with Azeem and the little girl. It's cute in the original version, and I love the line "Allah loves wondrous variety," but it does seem a bit purposeless. Now, it's tied into the story in a better way. I also liked learning how Will got himself whipped - I'd always assumed it was part of his previous torture, but was I ever mistaken!

The commentaries were good, not too rambly and with quite a few interesting tidbits. (Robin Wright was meant to be Marion, but got pregnant. That would have been very different, I imagine.) People seemed to have fun doing it, which is always a good thing. ("Twelve years, and I'm still recovering from this part." "And so we go from Dover, in the south of England, to Hadrian's wall in the north, and end up in Nottinghman, square in the middle.") The interviews were good too, and I especially liked that they were contemporary, not new. That meant I got two perspectives each from Kevin, Morgan and Christian - one "then", one "now".

The Robin Hood documentary, on the other hand - meh. Yeah, some of the information was fun to learn, but Pierce Brosnan's praising of Kevin Costner didn't sound genuine, and it was embarrassing for both of them.

But generally speaking, yes, happy.

Have been looking around for fanfic, though, and is that ever a disaster. I know it's always a bad thing when there are no archives and is the only option, but, well, some of the Once Upon a Time in Mexico Mary Sues on crack are quite entertaining, and I had hoped that turning off my brain, I might get a bit of fun out of it.

But my brain apparently can't be turned off entirely. Will Scarlet does not have a dreamer's eyes. You know why? Because he's not a dreamer. He's a bastarded outlaw who doesn't hesitate to stab a man in the back. He talks to a pickpocket like one crook to another, and he sasses the man who has just ordered his execution. He enjoys watching a good fight and mocking wet noblemen. He can hold a childhood grudge for twenty years. He's "full of piss and wind." Not a dreamer. Nor, I might mention, does he have "locks". Hair doesn't get much straighter than his.

It's not that I blame people for their Mary Sue teenyfics. I just wish they'd be a bit better written, and take things like basic characterisation into account. And... yeah, okay, I do blame them.

Good thing the Alan Rickman fans aren't quite so pathetic. I quite enjoyed One Night in Nottingham. Maybe it's just the thought of Elinor Dashwood hitting it off with Metatron.

film talk, dvd commentary, robin hood - prince of thieves, christian slater, fic talk

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