random ramblings

Jun 23, 2004 11:46

I'm still not on fanfic_hate. *sigh* And I've had no offer for a beta on my X-men story. And Tammy has taken nearly two months on my Anya story. Nobody likes me, no one even hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms.

No I'm not, because that's gross. But I might go watch "Hero" and try to remember that I have some Doyle/Wesley to write, even if it never gets noticed in the large scheme of things.

Speaking of fic bashing, I'm such a horrible snob. I can read a perfectly decent story and reject it because Anya's called Anya two hundred years too early and the writer thinks Jack Sparrow has a Jamaican accent.

On the other hand, I can read terrible badfic and never even blink in my appreciation, so I don't know what's wrong with me.

Speaking of Pirates of the Caribbean (which I was, kinda), I re-watched it again the other night at my brother's place. His girlfriend is so "Ooooh, Orlando Bloom!" that it's really funny. I think they liked the movie - at least I know that they liked the beginning, because they commented on it. But we were all kind of tired and a little bit tipsy. We also watched the 2002 carneval film "Vaktmästaren och professorn" and Susanne Osten's "Bröderna Mozart"/"The Mozart Brothers". My brother had bought me that one as an early birthday present, because he kicks ass.

He also gave me a custom-printed T-shirt that says "Illegal Combatant". He's made 50 of those and are selling them to his friends for 190 kronor, which I think is a great idea. He's even taken one of dad's old suit jackets, ripped the sleeves off, printed "Illegal Combatant" on the front and written "the sweat" in Arabic in really flashy letter on the back. He figured "the sweat" might be one possible translation of "funk". That jacket looks great now.

And the moral of this post is that if you don't have anything sane to write about, just write anyway.

illegal combatant, family, vaktmästaren och professorn, bröderna mozart, pirates of the caribbean, rl, beta request, fic talk

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