(no subject)

Apr 24, 2004 13:18

So, today there's this sci-fi thing in Malmö - not quite a con, but something like that. Guests are, among others, Billy Boyd and Warwick Davies.

And I'm not going.

I had the flyer in my handbag for more than a week before coming to that conclusion. I just didn't feel comfortable with the thought.

Thing is, I don't have any particular interest in buying or selling fannish items (I like getting things for free), and I don't know anyone who's going, so if I'd gone, it would have been entirely for the chance to see Billy Boyd and Warwick Davies in person. And that creeps me out.

It's not that I'm one of those people who want to see the actors in films and only in films, thankyouverymuch. I love DVD extras and the little insights I can get from them. I love interviews. I don't mind sending fanletters if need be, and although I'm usually too shy to go wait by the stage door after a play or concert, I occasionally do.

And obviously, I logically know that this sort of thing is no different from that. They're getting paid to be there, they're well aware that people will want to gawk and talk, and there's even a chance that they like it.

I'm not against that sort of events or anything. But for me personally, knowing that I'd go there only to gawk and talk, and not to get trading cards or movie posters - I'd feel like I was in a petting zoo. Or worse, I'd feel like one of those people in Jesus Christ Superstar going "you didn't touch me, Jesus!"

I'm sure that's not the way it feels like for them - if it was, they probably wouldn't do it. But for me, I need a more morally upstanding excuse before I can do the gawking.

Makes me wish I had some interest in those trading cards and movie posters...

rl, warwick davies, billy boyd

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