
Feb 15, 2004 12:31

From dreagoddess via dragonelf_2002:

Steal one of my LJ friends! There's some great people on my friends-list.
Post and say who you're taking and do the same on your journal.

I've stolen casapazzo from dragonelf_2002This morning, downloads worked somewhat faster, so I downloaded Netscape 7.02. Surprisingly, unlike Explorer it seems to work just fine. This also means I'm in no hurry to download ( Read more... )

anne of green gables, film talk, computer, heavenly creatures, sex, meme, peter jackson

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hey kattahj, interesting journal u have... anonymous February 15 2004, 04:30:53 UTC
hi kattahj, i listen to christian music...
have you heard about The Passion? it's a movie about the last hours of Jesus' life before the Crucifixion - i've heard a lot of good things about it, and i agree after seeing the trailers...

Here's some links I found

Some trailers


The Passion of the Christ (flash)
Other trailers
It will be out on Ash Wednesday, February 25th in the United States.
I may not know you, but I do want to let my brothers and sisters know about this movie. Some people are concerned the movie might be too violent. But let's be honest, the Cross was violent! Crucifixion was a brutal form of execution. When Jesus died for my sins, the nails were real, his flesh broke, and the blood fell. This incredible (and violent) act paid the price that I couldn't pay. After seeing the violence that Jesus may have suffered, I want to know him more, I want to be a more committed follower of Jesus, I want people to know what Jesus did. Because of this, I personally believe it's worth the risk of taking some heat by promoting this movie. So I don't really care about being made fun of for posting a 'religious' message. If you want to help others to realize what Christ did for us, encourage them to see this movie!
later kattahj,
  - Aaron


Re: hey kattahj, interesting journal u have... kattahj February 15 2004, 10:21:15 UTC
Wow, I wasn't aware spamming was a part of the Christian message.

If you want to be taken serious as a Christian, how about first learning some basic writing skills and then learning the even more important task to not spam other people's journals with messages they never asked for and that have nothing to do with what they're writing about.

I'm not making fun of you for posting a religious message. I post religious messages all the time - only, I do it either in my *own* journal or as a comment to a post that actually has something whatsoever to do with religion, philosophy or the meaning of life.

I'm a Christian, and as a Christian I'm telling you A) to get lost and B) to contemplate in the future the meaning of the words "Do unto others..." Would you want people to spam your journal with messages telling you how fabulous Hinduism/Islam/Wicca is?

Of course, something tells me you're not even reading this comment...


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