random whining + LotR stuff

Feb 01, 2004 22:09

I'm feeling totally off. Have been doing so all day and part of yesterday, and question is if it didn't start even earlier (would explain why I've been so moody lately). I can't quite define it - it's part tiredness, bad mood, nausea, headache and chill, but not very much of either of those things. It just generally makes me unhappy, and I find myself quoting Torquil in Archer's Goon: I wish I could remember what I wanted. Nothing seems fun anymore.

Did, however, go to see RotK for the third time yesterday, and that was fun, even though I went to a rather late show and yawned a bit. I found that now that I've seen the DVD extras for the two first movies, even the end titles are fun. "Oh, look, there's Rick Porras - and Kiram Shah - and Sala Baker!" Weird.

Speaking of the DVDs, I was quite amused when someone said "you just don't edit Tolkien", because boy, does that ever show in the books! As much as I respect old JRR, it's pretty clear he never learned how to kill his darlings.

The people in the documentaries all thought that Tolkien could get away with it because he's that good, but I'm not so sure about that. I think part of the charm of LotR is that it's so genuinely what it is, that's true, and perhaps part of that charm would have been lost if he'd cleaned up the story better, but at the same time I don't think it's necessarily a compliment to a writer that most of his readers consider skipping a perfectly viable option.

Will probably return to the DVDs soon. They might cheer me up. But even a DVD high can't last forever.

film talk, dvd commentary, lord of the rings

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