still on a LotR high

Jan 28, 2004 10:40

Have watched the actors' commentary to FotR and TTT now, and my God, someone should make a quotes page, for I for one can't remember all the funny things these people said. They didn't seem able to be serious for more than ten seconds in a row.

A few favourites, from memory (so don't kill me if they're incorrect):

"No, Dom, put down the golf ball. It's there for a reason."

"He now has the body of a Greek god. Spiros, the horse god."

"Stick the tip of the sword under his chin."
"Which one?"

"I think of this as my lembas commercial. 'Lembas. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a full grown man.' "

"David Wenham, another Australian."
"Daisy Wenham."

"And there's Gimli blowing the horn of flatulence."

...damn, I know there were more of these...

Oh, and new icon again, Stockard Channing. Love her.

dvd commentary, lord of the rings

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