catching up

Dec 01, 2007 21:26

ok.. So.. I havn't updated for a bit so nows as good a time as ever.

The day before thanksgiving I did see A surgeon to be evaluated for Elbow surgery. The sergeon stated that since The kortizone shots didn't work, I wouldn't be a good candidate for Surgery. He stated that I needed to massage the area as much as possible without hurting my wrists more and to get back on the anti inflamatory that a dr, way back, took me off of stating that my emotional state was bad and that I needed counceling not medication. Anyways, THe surgeon put my back on the anti inflamatory (since I am allergic to IbProfin and asprin) and that seems to be going well. I left that visit feeling depressed and helpless, not knowing what was going to happen to my arms/wrists.

We left there and decided to stop to see an accupuncturist. I left there in MORE pain than when I went in there, which was a LOT of pain. Even the next few days following my appointment, I didn't notice a change in the pain.

Thanksgiving went really well. I think the big issue i was feeling was more of not knowing about my dr's appointment. We picked up munchkin on our way down to Corpus. I was pleased how excitedly she greeted me with a warm hug and lots of chatter. The next day my sister in law and her family showed up and the kids played for HOURS. We all thought it was awesome but also were amazed at how long and hard they played.

The day after turkey day, Heather and I decided to sneak out of the house at 4:30 in the morning and try to get the TV for her parents that we all decided to chip in on. Yeah. well. We got there 15 minutes AFTER the door's opened only to find out they were in fact already sold out. Yeah. Sooo. we sneak back into the house without anyone knowing. That was about 6am. That's when my mother in law was just getting up. She didn't suspect a thing. It was great. We talked her into taking my car (more room in case we found a good eal on another tv!). We got to target and my mother in law picked out some things for all the girls since there were sales on the toys. We ended up waiting in line for about an hour and a half. While waiting, Heahter went off with the excuse of "I'm going to the bathroom". I knew better but didn't tell my mother in law. So.. then Heather calls me and tells me the tv we passed earlier was a good idea and she was going to get it. See, we passed them earlier and after heather and I exchanged looks, i looked to find a price. When I over heard it, that was the same time my mother in law asked the price. SO I calmly told her it was $800, when in fact it was only $550. Anyways. I waited in line with my mother in law and Heather grabbed the tv. When My mother in law saw it she was stunned. The look was GREAT. We even got some ppl behind us saying "awwww" when we told her to close her eyes and then open them to see her gift. *smiles* That was priceless. Anyways.. my father in law was just as surprised. After dropping off the tv we did more shopping and enjoyed telling my mother in law of our sneaking out of the house early. I managed to get xmas gifts for all 4 nieces(still seems odd to say I have FOUR nieces!!)

Other than that, the holiday was filled with laughs, games and a lot of fun!!

Friday I met with my grandmother and we bought my mom and stepfathers xmas gift. it's going to be a joint gift from my brother and sister in law, grandmother and Scott and I. We bought them a digital camera complete with memory card and warenty. I really hope they like it! That day I also talked to a good friend of mine who's made her career in helping the elderly with their medicare and health insurance. She's agreed to talk to my grandmother, hopefully next week, about her insurance and help her to understand it all and feel more comfortable.

This weekend:

Scott helped me to decorate a bunch of the house but we waited until Munchkin got here before decorating the tree. I was cracking up (of course after the fact) at the kitty that i'm babysitting. When I pulled out the Garland he was having a blast running and skidding into the pile of it, and then he would pick it up in his mouth and run with it to my bedroom. This morning we all got up and decorated the tree and the rest of the house. Then, my inlaws came over and my AWESOME father in law decided to not only reinforce the shelf we had in our garage but he also BUILT us a NEW shelf. YAY. He and Scott had some male bonding time while my mother in law helped me complete my awesome decorating idea. See, my mom let me borrow her christmas village set. Well, with my kitten and the one i'm babysitting, I was afraid of them breaking. SOOOO. I asked around and found someone who had an extra fish tank. I then put the village in there. It looks soooo pretty! So.. We also gave my mother in law early birthday present, since her birthday is in 4 days! We found some dark chocolate kisses that she was very happy with.

OK.. I think that's it for now. Christmas is in a couple of weeks. Hard to believe it's coming so quickly! This is the last weekend before christmas that we have the munchkin. Munchkin and I had fun decorating and having her try on clothes that Heather passed on from her girls. I'd have her try on the clothes and then she 'walked the runway', as we called it, to show grandma, pop's and daddy. She had a blast with that and LOVES the new clothes. We are definetly stocked up on warmer clothes for her now. YAY. Tomorrow we have plan to have Hunters family come over so that our girls can play together and they can all visit with their puppy Hunter.

After many issue's with fixing a spam bug that implanted itself on my myspace blog, my AWESOME AND WONDERFUL husband found the planted script and removed it so myspace blog is up and running again! (THANK YOU SWEETIE!!)

Well, that's it for me. Time to say goodnight!

my hands, family, in-laws, munchkin, scott

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