"Sometimes things really don't go the way you plan them or want them"
That was the quote i was using on my myspace page for quite some time. It's very true. Seems even when you think things are going well and friendships are strong, a tidal wave comes and knocks you over. Even if their frienship leave, sometimes the images will still say. I remember those images and that relationship, even if they refuse to.
A friend that i'd written previous things about trying to so called 'make a difference' has really backlashed. I know he's angry, and i can understand but i really didn't do this to have his child taken away as he claims i did! I had responded to the couples email when i was told that i was an unfit parent and that i am never allowed to see thier child again. I had received SEVERAL msg's stating "You better watch your back!" So, i did respond to the couples email. I told them that I am being told that I need to file a Harrasment claim on them, which i do NOT feel is necessary at this point. But if the 'threats' continue i may change my mind. So what happends, they respond to my email saying that if i contact them at any point from here out that a harrasment claim will be filed on me. LOL. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Really people, we are getting off track here. Look at the situation, THINK about what is being asked of you, THINK about the situation. Which is more important, fixing things and moving forward? Or playing "he said, she said" games and seeing who can top who's threat? GIVE ME A BREAK!!
My hubby
xylyx has made journal entries on it as well. My husband doesn't tend to write alot in his journal, only when things are really getting to him or his Angry or depressed. So.. I'm not sure which one he was to write this time, or the last time. He's been trying pretty hard to lift my spirits which have been low since last wednesday. For once i seem to have to thought of 'just let it be for now'. We both have been going back and forth on the 'let it be' or respond. Neither of us wanted/want harm to come to this family. But apparently they seem to think that i am doing everything I can to take their son away from them. That's not it at all. If i had wanted to do that I could have come up with several lies that sound believable to the authorities in order for them to take the child. I did not. I pretty much knew they wouldn't take the child. In return, what has happened is that they have gotten more help form people that can actually help them.. and they will no longer allow me to talk to them. I guess as long as good things happen to this family it will all be worth it. I'm not sure my heart is ready to let it go yet, but in time.. Only time will tell how this will all work out. But as my husband stated, We really wish only the best for this family.
Not sure how i'm really feeling on this situation. It has a lot of mixed thoughts. Angry, sad, irritated, heartbroken, depressed, upset.