some good news..

Oct 12, 2006 10:34

Well, saw my doctor yesterday. After my stomach churning all day I was quite pleased to hear my dr tell me he's not going to give me anymore shots. Bad part is that now i'm being returned to the hand surgeon for an exam to prep me for surgery. *sigh* No news from the Lawyers, still waiting for the court date to be approved.

Still not sure what's going on with David's and my trip to Desoto Texas.

This weekend, starting tomorrow afternoon, Z and I are driving to Plantersville. YAY we get to go to TRF after all. I'm excited. We are going to get up there friday evening, set up camp, cook some chicken and beans on the grill. *exicted sigh* We will spend all day saturday at Faire and then camp that night as well before returning home sunday.  This will be the first time that I've camped for more than one night so i'm very excited about this. In the mornings we are going to be having eggs, polish sausage and potatoes on the grill. yay. *bounce*.

Last weekend went pretty well. Saturday we drove to austin and got together with Z's parents and sisters family. Had a lot of fun. Z, his mom, sister and I went shopping. Had some fun. Then, we left munchkin there so she could spend the night with her cousins and visit with her grandparents. We drove back home and zonked. Then left the house at 7:15, drove back and picked her up then up to Houston.  We figured out that we pent a total of 11 hours on the road. All that and we were back in town to drop munchkin home by 8pm.

Things are going a lot better than before. Changes are showing. I'm following through on the deal i made Z, and he's following through as well. That makes me happy.
We are looking at going to a ghost tour of Down town SA on hallow's eve. So things are moving right along. Our Zoo is still doing well. The Cats, we think more the kitten, thought it would be fun to knock down the bird cage and if Z hadn't gone to the rescue, poor Sky would have been cat food. lol.

Well, that's it for now.. 

in-laws, munchkin

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