Jul 26, 2009 02:18
Here it is once again. HESI. But of course not one, rather, many. One per week, one might think. Think again. Two & three per week actually. Sighing does nothing for me. I gotta suck it up. Hold the tears. Flex my biceps. Or lack there of. As each day approaches, I find myself more and more aloof. I'm back to coffee. I know, I know... How dare I do such a thing. I gave it up for a year. Sadly, I need it to keep me as sane as possible. I guess some rules are meant to be broken? Ehh. Bite me. I need to get through to the end of August. Trust in the Lord with all my heart. ALL. But I still need prayer. Do that, will ya? I need to do even more of it. As for the stressors. Minute for now
It's time to hit the books..
..and another one bites the dust
p.s. I've been having nightmares lately during my naps. I wish they were nicemares.