Apr 12, 2005 12:26
Why do people suck, well here's a scenario for ya. You have to move out and can't find someone to sublet, so you keep paying the rent. Only to come by to pick up a few things to find that you have an eviction notice. cause the other roommate hasn't been paying the rent but has been keeping your money. and now your in legal trouble cause of this guy....I guess it's a good thing that they never pursue these things after the eviction has gone through.
I helped build a bunch of stuff at the LZ where I play airsoft, getting a bunch o stuff together for the big game at the end of the month. We ended up doing some cqc stuff after, wich was alot of fun even though there was only 8 of us.
Other then that it was a typical weekend of drunkenness and no sleep. although I was kinda a little out of place, being the only one not from the county.