Gintama 234/ Gintama’ 33

Nov 17, 2011 23:03

Episode title: Piggy Banks and Trash Cans
Source of subs: HorribleSubs

What happened in the episode:

Our rescue rangers manage to sneak into the hangar where Renho’s secret weapon - the Gunsams - are stored. The Gunsams have to be destroyed before Elizabeth, now known as General Eren, uses them to attack the Earth. Elizabeth’s perverted girlfriend Fumiko decides to sabotage the Gunsams, while everyone else has to deal with Gunsam pilots. Gin-san begins dealing with them by giving an inspiration speech.

“Loyal soldiers of the Renho army! Thanks to our Elizabeth Rain, over half of the Earthlings are now trapped behind signs. The clouds surrounding Earth are a symbol of our justice. The Earth’s military is but a shell of its former self.”

Katsura-san elaborates on the battle strategy.

“We start by hitting them in their manhood and immobilizing them. Then we take their mothers hostage and seize their money! We can render them helpless!”

And some sound advice from Sakamoto.

“And you’re only allowed to bring 300 yen worth of snacks. Don’t forget your Gelgoog bag for when you get mobile suit sickness...”

Shinpachi has an objection!

Sakamoto: “Sorry. I fell into my old habits after getting all fired up about the upcoming battle.”
Shinpachi: “What the hell were the wars like back when you were fighting?! That last part was more or less instructions for a picnic!”

However, the Renho army seems to be completely taken over by Gin-san & Co. And Katsura-san is in the nagging okaasan teacher mode.

And then everyone plays Uno. Turns out, it’s not just a kiddie game, it’s a part of the battle strategy.
Sakamoto “It’s the job of a general to play some Uno and help put the men in that zone between composure and passion.”

Kagura astutely notices that the charisma of Gin-san and Co is making the Renho like them.
“They’re winning over the enemy. They may have fallen, but they were stars during the Joi era.”

Elizabeth arrives and gives some valuable insight into his views on the characters: “What a strange bunch. You were able to sap the tension before a battle. You have the odd ability to draw people in while doing stupid things.”

Katsura-san has a conversation with Elizabeth.

Katsura: “So why are we invading Earth?”
Elizabeth: “...I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. The Renho purge all who express dissent. And keep your mouth shut. You won’t get another warning.”
“I learned many things on Earth. Things that I would not have learned on this planet of cold steel. Many things that were warm to the touch.”

“That’s why I have no regrets. There is something I must protect. Even if it means destroying Earth.”

“A true friend will always protect a friend’s back.”

Oh, Katsura-san T_T

Unexpectedly, the order to attack is given. Mutsu’s negotiations did not work, and she and the Kaientai were imprisoned. Now Gin-san and Co are on their own. But don’t worry, Katsura-san is Our Hero!

“You don’t need to worry. We’re ready to go. Relax... Elizabeth is still Elizabeth. The Elizabeth I believe in. We’ve been separated due to our positions as Earthling and Renho, but we still believe in the same things. In that case, I can’t let him down. Not when my friend says that he believes in me.”

Katsura-san decides to stop the attack on the Earth, while Gin-san and Sakamoto take care of the big boss. A touching moment happens.

Katsura boards a Gunsam and deftly pilots it, actually quite enjoying the process.

And then Fumiko returns and explains she had placed bombs in Gunsams to sabotage the attack... Gunsam with Katsura explodes D:

The unexpected explosion attracts attention of the Renho leader Dark Vader, and he suspects there are spies on the mothership. The attack on Earth is delayed until the spies are found. And then Gin-san and Sakamoto finally reveal themselves in an epic scene!


Everything gets even more epic when Gin-san fights and Sakamoto negotiates with Renho explaining his views on the situation - neither he nor Gin-san care about the Earth as such, but they care about their friends and will destroy anything for the sake of friends. There is another flashback.

Meanwhile, the poisonous clouds over the Earth disperse and people are back to normal. It becomes clear that it was Elizabeth’s doing. Katsura has survived the explosion (of course XD) and watches the Earth from space, enraptured by its beauty.

The clouds form a message in the sky for him.

A touching moment where Elizabeth actually speaks ensues. And then Elizabeth attacks Dark Vader, and everything ends in an explosion, which Katsura witnesses.

Will Elizabeth survive?

Thoughts about Katsura:

1. We have discussed before that part of Katsura-san’s charisma might be his looks, but when he is dressed as Zurazabeth, the Renho could not see his gorgeous silky mane, his adorably serious face or his lithe, yet muscled body… So basically, in that disguise all the good points of his looks were concealed, yet he managed to completely win over the Renho soldiers. That’s what being a leader is all about! Although I have to say that Gin-san and Sakamoto, despite the fact that they don’t use their people skills as much as Katsura (well, Sakamoto might, he does some business, after all), also still know how to appeal to audiences.

2. The flashbacks to the Joi times in this episode were so…! Well, insert a superlative of your choice, because I lack words. The relationship between them all is so touching! Even Sakamoto still considers himself a Joi patriot! And Katsura-san trusts his friends to watch his back just like in the old times! He must have been somewhat happy deep down in his heart that once again he could fight alongside his old comrades. But then again, the whole situation was not exactly conductive to happy thoughts, so maybe not. But one thing is for sure, they are bros for life XD

3. Talking about bros, Takasugi was spotted in the flashback. Maybe that’s just because the anime reused the previous footage. In fact, it’s most probably because they reused the old footage- but still, it might also be an indication that after all what happened, they still have not quite given up on Takasugi. Oh Katsura-san, you have such a generous spirit! Although that was actually Sakamoto's flashback XD

4. And what about Katsura’s determination to fight Elizabeth if he has to? That was so manly and so cool! He truly is a samurai! Although that decision was totally heartbreaking for him, did you see his sad look? But when he made a decision, he would not back out of it, so he gave his all to stop Elizabeth. That’s the kind of man he is! Lol, not a very analytic episode comment, but I can’t be analytic when Katsura-san is being so cool!

5. Talking about cool, I always thought it’s cool that he is good at Uno - but it turned out he is not XD But at least it’s good to know that Uno is not just a silly children’s game, but also has practical purposes, that means it’s not a coincidence that Katsura plays it, it has a higher purpose.

6. As discussed before, Katsura-san is quite good with technologies - he could immediately pilot the Gundam Gunsam, and it is difficult to control unfamiliar vehicles, even such simple as cars - so it must be much more difficult with a Gunsam. That means he is a genius after all :D

7. Sakamoto says that Gin-san is a weapon, Zura is a weapon of self-destruction and Sakamoldie is an adult toy XD That was just a joke on his part, but when you think about it, it might actually represent the deeper and hidden aspects of their personalities. Katsura-san does have a tendency to do things that are potentially suicidal...

8. Judging from the roles they assumed in leading the Renho, even in the Joi times Sakamoto took care of the practical part of things, Gin-san boosted the morale of soldiers, and Katsura-san was the brains of the operation. I might have mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again - in some specific areas he is a genius.

9. So many sad moments for Katsura-san in this episode! Usually he is not one to show much emotions, he is rather a stoic samurai, but in this episode he looked so sad so many times... I want to give him a hug. Friends really are important for him. And interestingly enough, despite how the Yorozuya try to be all so nonchalant, they care about Katsura a lot, too. Shinpachi and Kagura looked quite upset for Katsura when he said he was ready to fight Elizabeth.

If anyone has something insightful and analytic to add, please do, otherwise I feel like it was not a discussion, but pure fangirling XD

anime: 234, erizabesuuuu!, arc: renho, zurazabeth, katsuratastic!

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