[SOS] (Case 03: Flare Guns)

Feb 11, 2009 17:52

[ Yako has turned the sphere on. ]

Hey, everyone! I figured since that last transmission, trying a few different things would be helpful, and the less we duplicate each other the better. Our time's better used in doing different things, when we're looking for some sort of response from whoever we heard from.

[ She smiles briefly, then concentrates on loading a flare gun. ]

You might want to cover your ears or mute the sphere for a moment.

[ An embarrassed look, since she doesn't plan to wait and allow possible network users to respond before she fires off a shot. In this early evening, it's dark enough that the flares can be seen for 40 KM at the least, and while they don't last a full minute each, the shot of one, then one more as the first fizzled (the booklet with the flares had told her to do so), makes an interesting, expected trail of light high into the sky. Yako watches the second one fade to nothing, determined. ]

Well, that's that.
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