(Case 02: Interviews, please.)

Jan 13, 2009 20:16

[ Yako appears on network looking as cheery as she can make herself, enacting part of Neuro's Evil Plan To Get Information. ]

Passengers of the curse ship Crucible, new and old, I, Yako Katsuragi, would be thankful if I could have a little of your time to ask a few questions. This is one of many attempts to build a better understanding of our ( Read more... )

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kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 04:45:10 UTC
Ask away; I'm ready to leave.


katsuragi_yako January 14 2009, 04:51:03 UTC
Thank you, Miss. [ Notebook and piece of looseleaf in hand: ]

Do you clearly remember what you were doing right before you woke up on the ship?


kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 04:58:11 UTC
I do. [ She's not sure if she's supposed to elaborate so she just...doesn't. =D;; ]


katsuragi_yako January 14 2009, 05:00:39 UTC
[ Scribble scribble, she's cool with just that. ]

Since arriving on the ship, have you noticed any significant changes to your person or your usual abilities outside of being unable to leave the ship or access sealed levels?


kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 05:04:17 UTC
Hm, haven't tried anything, actually. [ Opens her fan and looks around her small room; it's probably best not to try anything here... ] There's nothing wrong with my fan, though. And I can still feel my chakra.


katsuragi_yako January 14 2009, 05:16:00 UTC
So probably not, but you haven't had a chance to test everything. [ Yako writes this down, then goes on to the next question. ]

Is there an objective importance in your returning home as soon as possible?


kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 22:50:09 UTC
Yes; I need to get to Konoha as soon as possible.

Do you really think that these question will help us to get out of here? [ She's not /trying/ to sound mean, she's actually just curious. But it still comes out sounding a bit biting. ]


katsuragi_yako January 14 2009, 23:20:48 UTC
[ She nods, and before she can ask the next question, Temari asks her own; ]

Yes. They have as much of a chance of helping as any other active attempt made on this ship.


kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 23:38:10 UTC
[ Exhales slowly and waves her hand in a motion for Yako to continue. ]


katsuragi_yako January 14 2009, 23:43:32 UTC
Have you encountered other people from your universe, and are they still here?


kamaitachimai January 14 2009, 23:58:14 UTC
Yeah, Naruto. And Sasuke I guess, although he's from a parallel world. They're both still here. [ A bitter frown. ]


katsuragi_yako January 15 2009, 00:14:09 UTC
Would you rather they weren't? [ Though she doesn't expect that to be answered. ] I guess that answers my next question. You haven't found any doubles of people you recognize, have you?


kamaitachimai January 15 2009, 00:26:08 UTC
I wouldn't wish this kind of hell on anyone. Especially not Naruto, poor kid. I'd much rather he be able to get home. [ She's always been fond of Naruto--despite his annoying tendencies--mostly because he was the one person that helped save Gaara's life. ]

But no. I haven't.


katsuragi_yako January 15 2009, 00:37:37 UTC
[ Yako nods. She can understand that feeling. ]

Thank you. Those were all the questions I had for now.


kamaitachimai January 15 2009, 00:41:06 UTC
No problem. I hope it helps.

Uh...I never got your name. I'm Temari. [ Supposes she might as well be polite and at least introduce herself. ]


katsuragi_yako January 15 2009, 03:25:29 UTC
Yako Katsuragi. It's pleasant meeting you, Temari.


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