(Case 05: Holy Shit, Batman, It's a Black Hole)

Dec 17, 2008 22:37

[ Yako flickers onto the network - the connection at the moment seems to be unstable, like it's half on, or half off, and unsure which to wholey be. The "announcement" has left her visibly shaken, and if a person is particularly keen with their eyes, it may look like she's been crying. Yako is currently unaware of the spere, much like she seems unaware of her surroundings. ]

I can't -- It doesn't -- It's not real --

[ She slams her hands against the nearest wall, angry at the sense of helplessness permeading everything. ]

Not again - [ what she says next is too garbled to be heard ] - nobody else.

[ Her shoulders shake, just a little, and one of her hands covers her face. Denial, for now, holds her more strongly than anger. ]

We don't know anything. Nothing more or less than fifteen minutes ago. We can't say for sure what will happen. That's all I've... believe--
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