Oct 01, 2013 15:37
20 facts about me? Okay.
- I was born in Fort Myers, Florida. I finally moved out of state at age 14.
- Where did I move to and spend my high school years? Walla Walla, Washington. And we drove the whole way. With a dog that shed like crazy (may she rest in peace).
- I moved to my current residence in Utah County, Utah after high school.
- The above 3 facts are the first time I've ever been so open with my RL location and those previous online before.
- My parents have been married to each other for 28 or so years (they've gotten fuzzy on the exact time since 25), a miracle in this day and age if you ask me.
- I have a really hard time telling people how I really feel emotionally. Not sure why.
- I am going to win NaNoWriMo 2013 if it kills me!
- My current dog is a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix named Joey.
- I am an INFJ. I even have a widget saying as much on my profile.
- I am highly interested in alternative health.
- My paternal grandma's friend was Elvis Presley's elementary school principal. That's less than 6 degrees of separation for those counting.
- I have polycystic ovary syndrome. Yipee.
- I have never been formally diagnosed with it, but I show a lot of signs of OCD. Unfortunately, none of my compulsions involve cleaning, much to my parents chagrin.
- Yeah, I still live with my parents. I don't hate it, but it is rather stifling at times.
- I taught myself how to read. And I was reading Laura Ingalls Wilder in 1st grade. In retrospect, this is probably why I hate studying.
- I used to play an MMORPG called Lord of the Rings Online. I miss that community.
- I am a HUGE fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged.
- I believe in Santa Christ! (gosh, I hope people get that reference)
- My ancestors came from Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands. Possibility of a Cherokee or two in there is high.
- My last name is Carnes. It's pronounced Carn-s. Despite this, we get a lot of calls from Hispanic focus groups.
now you know,