Nov 08, 2006 22:39
So I Tivoed "Lost" tonight because I knew it would have some...shirtless Sawyer, essentially. And, while I do not watch the show, I do enjoy (as one might expect) a shirtless Sawyer. And yes, I am that shallow. Shut up.
Now, I do not really understand Lost, its characters or its fandom. I know who they are (for the most part), can associate them by name, but nothing else, really. I get the Jack/Kate/Saywer triangle on its most primal level - essentially that it, you know, exists - but beyond that I'm rather ignorant. Since I've only seen brief clips of the show, I never really decided one way or the other. Sawyer/Kate are hot, Jack/Kate are cute, who cares I'll focus all my time on Elliot/Olivia (which absolutely won't happen unless the writers continue to have Olivia whispering Elliot's name in her dreams. Yeah.) I always sort of preferred Sawyer/Kate because I think Sawyer's incredibly attractive, but whatever.
So, erm, those feelings are revised now. Sawyer/Kate is HOT.
There were so many things about that prelude-to-sex scene that made me absolutely completely and utterly melt, I can't even describe it. The look on his face when she tugs at his shirt, when he realizes what she's asking. The way his hair brushes into his eyes. The way their forheads rest together briefly before they start too kiss again, the way their eyes lock when he brushes his hands down the sides of her arms. The way he spins (SPINS!) her and pins her up against the bars.
Um, guh.
Then that little scene at the end, the adorable little "I love you, too"...perfect. So maybe I'm missing something, late to the game, don't quite get the relationship between the three but I don't particularly care. Because that was hot on oh so many levels. Yes indeed.