Nov 16, 2011 20:23

Dear Yuletide Writers,

First of all, I appreciate you taking on the task of my ridiculous requests! This year will be a good one.

Luckily, I'm not a very picky reader. I'm a fan of bittersweet fic the most (which...yes, that can count for something I think) but I do like dark humor and sweet slash a lot. I'm also a fan of humorous genfic. I think angst with no purpose and overly sweet fic are the only things I can't stand.

Also, for the love of god, I love characters that stay in character. I know I requested a bit of genderbending and some uh...transformations (ie genderbending,) but I hope the characters don't become too OOC because of it :)

Now, to the promts! Granted, I'm pasting from my signup on Yuletide but that isn't the point.

1: Portal - I'd like some genfic about the lives of the characters before the events of Portal and Portal 2! I'd love something about Cave and Caroline and their relationship (assuming GLaDOS is her) before she became a core. Some Wheatley pre-P2 would be hilarious also. It's the author's choice :)

2: Umbrella Academy - Diego/Vanya, maybe about them being on the road in the band they used to be in with Body, or maybe after the events of Apocalyse Suite. Up to the author on the plot :)

3: Venture Bros - Genderbent Venture Bros. genfic would be amazing! The...erm, girls could have an insane mother instead of Rusy and they would have a great butchy bodyguard. Triana would be a great goth boy, and hell, even some genderswap villains would be hilarious :D

4: Inglorious Basterds - Anything about Hugo Stiglitz. Seriously. You get complete creative license. Just make something amazing about this badass.

Again, thank you guys so much, whoever shares my awesome fandoms, and good luck to everyone!

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