As noted by the earlier entry from today - earlier being before 1 in the morning - I've been working on finalizing up some work for class. I had intended, on going to bed very early this morning, on waking up, doing at least one more extra credit assignment, then turning that and my time log in for my online class. I don't believe it was mentioned in the previous entry, but I also took the opportunity to complete the 10 point final exam and get that submitted in the early early hours as well.
When I woke up this morning, my first stop was to Blackboard (the site where all course information is listed and where we turn in assignments) to see if any of the previously uploaded content had been graded. What faced me when I got there was 100/100 points graded at that time. Apparently turning in the final was the thing that boosted me all the way up to the top, even without the 5 extra credit points from early this morning or the 5 point time log that I turned in the second I realized I'd fucking passed the class.
And to think, I only did three assignments up until the 10th of this month and then busted ass to get enough in to pass. Granted, I only really needed a 75 to pass, but an A in this course is a minimum of 95 points. If I go back and check later today? I'm probably gonna have 110 points so I think I rocked it pretty hard.
Still not gonna procrastinate in ANY way on future online courses, though! This shit nearly killed me getting it all done.
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