NaNo Day 4 and Workout Day 1

Nov 05, 2011 16:32

So, yeah. Remember me saying "don't get used to me posting the word count meter on the day of"? Once again I prove that I can't manage to do things in a perfectly timely manner.

Yesterday took, oh, a bit near forever to figure out which prompt to do. That was partially because I was stuck trying to decide what fandom I wanted to write it for. Eventually I decided to pull another Inception and some suggestion from apollymi managed to get me two prompts in a row to hit. So there's that to look forward to; for now, here's the meter:

4007 / 8500 words. 47% done!

In other news, Yami and I had a bit of a celtic new year resolution to actually start exercising again. This time around we aren't bothering with the gym, but are gonna slowly work up to running. And as the saying goes, we're learning to walk before we run. Today's morning workout was a 30 minute walk. Actually, it was more of a 38 minute 49 second walk, but we're still working on the route. Tomorrow we're doing the same route in reverse to see if that shortens anything, and if not we're still working at it.

Phase 2 - in which we'll walk 4 minutes then run/jog for 1 minute for the 30 minute routine - will probably start in a week or two. Phases 3 (walk 3 minutes, run 2 for 30 minutes), 4 (walk 2 minutes, run 3), 5 (walk a minute and run for 4) and 6 (30 minute run) will come as they will.

And now I'm gonna stop screwing around and assist with dinner prep. Later!

babble, word meter, walk before you run, nano2011

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