The 2010 Year in Review Post!

Dec 28, 2010 14:37

It's that time again, folks. Somehow I managed to skip out on the 2009 y-i-r post, but I'm making a point to remember it this time!

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2010. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

Sweet and simple, ain't it?

Happy New Year!

I got meme-tagged by black_shiro

So, folks managed to not talk antepathy out of but actually into making a new RP-type comm for Transformers.

Dear deviantArt, I know you think that it's witty to change the coding on everyone's avatars for April Fool's, and sometimes I agree.

I... shouldn't be so gleeful over the fact that I finally managed to get Cliffjumper some action over in tf_ic_prompts2, should I?


Very randomly, I am thinking that should I hit Botcon next year, I might do humanized TF cosplay. (Note: The only way this is happening is if I win the lottery. As it is, me and apollymi are gonna be saving our money for the eventual move to Atlanta in mid-2012. Fingers crossed, we wanna get outta this place!!!)

So, it's a typical work day.

...preferably from the "Game On" music vid they did, but I digress.

You may remember me posting on Monday about receiving an email regarding my new need to do a grad check each semester prior to registering for classes.

Step 1: Go to Google Maps

I'm still not feeling too spunky, but I'm super-happy today.

Also, Yule was very kind this year to me. I got some nice pressies and a couple of gift cards from up north, and we managed to avoid snow in spite of chilly air during the precipitation down this way ♥

holiday, year in review

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