Pet Peeve Time

Jan 19, 2010 10:34

So, I'm browsing around this morning in spite of having gift fics to finish, a kink response to work on, and Metamorphoses passages to finish reading for class (...what? I put the "pro" in "procrastinate") when I stumble across a fic in one of the fandoms I don't write in but that I enjoy reading. The story seemed to be off to a good start, and I noted that it wasn't listed as complete, which makes my heart do a little dance of joy that there will be more.

Then I read the author's note at the end to see this: "If you liked it please Review, it is the only thing that will make me want to write more for it. No reviews no chapters its that easy."

That right there? Pisses me off like nothing else in this world is capable of doing.

I'm one of those folks that reads a story and is terrible about leaving reviews or feedback beyond the dreaded "I love it, is there gonna be more?" Since that's the case, I only leave comments when I have something substantial to offer and tend to either Add to Alerts or Fave. I'm also one of those authors who tends to count the hits/favourites/added to alerts on as more substantial than comments sometimes. If I see that my story has ten reviews but three hundred hits, thirteen update alerts, and six favourites then I feel that I must be doing something right. Comments are more than welcome when they come, but the others make me feel just as good if not better.

So when I see other authors basically holding chapters hostage until they get x amount of reviews, I want to reach through my screen and choke a bitch. What that says to me is, basically, that these people aren't writing out of any real love for the fandom but for the praise and accolades it will get them. I write out of love, and mostly for myself; when others find something enjoyable about my stories as well I'm tickled pink... but I don't need nor want praise heaped upon me for keeping folks IC or taking a well-used idea and putting my own spin on it.

All I'm saying is, if you're writing only so you can get fifty bazillion reviews and flounce when you "only" get fifteen, then you're probably not doing it for the right reason. Unless your reason is to get a shit-ton of reviews, then I'll just shut the hell up and be over here in my corner. Writing my mech-smut for me and the five other people who seem to like it just as much as I do.

ETA 1/20: Holy shit, I finally nabbed a striped dragon O.O

bitchy, dragons, microrant

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