One more week until...mischief?

Sep 08, 2015 21:44

[ 一声入魂!アニメ声優塾」NHK・Eテレで“開講 ]
"Voice consecration! Anime Voice actor private school!"

- Nhk: Shuumei Doki

- Shoko's site: Schedule info

来週は勝生真沙子さん 󾬍 󾬍 󾬍

好きな声優さんなので来週楽しみ 󾬆 󾬆
- MINAMI (@TwoMinami) September 8, 2015

Important Note: Takayama Minami does not use twitter, but the owner of this tweet is a big fan.

Just a reminder, Katuski's appearance on Shumei Doki is next week Tuesday on September 15th! Hirano Fumi, known for her role as Lum on Urusei Yatsura, was the previous guest, and the program gives us a preview.

Quote: セーラーネプチューン……何だっけ?」
"Sailor Neptune....what is it?"

Nakagawa Shoko was on the floor laughing, a hint on what's to come?

Subtitle: 止まらない勝生
"Instructor Katsuki does not stop!"

tv program, live event/appearance, awesome

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