I want to sincerely apologize for my lack of activity in the community. Details behind my absence are too long to explain, and I am not sure when it'll get better. I'm just really occupied.
Not sure when I'll come back, so I'll leave you with some new game content.
TERA: Aborea, an MMORPG. Katsuki is an available extra voice, along with many others.
SAMPLE 7: A light-voiced, weak type. Playful?SAMPLE 8: A strong, adult type And DLC for
GUNDAM EXTREME VS: Maxi Boost (exvsFB; ガンダムEXVSフルブースト). MBF-P01-Re2 Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Custom is available for a price, with its pilot Rondo Mina Sahaku. Other units available from this particular DLC are Gundam X Divider (Garrod Ran and Tiffa Adil) and Altron Gundam (Chang Wufei).
Once again, Katsuki provides Mina's great voice.