Hello everyone!
Nothing new to report, but don't forget the Japanese dub of
Also, Tsunade will take a notable role in recent NARUTO Shippuden episodes. I won't say what, but be sure to watch. Also, she apparently voice a mob character or a
second role (兼役).
Missing PSVITA discovered not a single game...
Watching a scary movie she recorded. Is reaction in the studio noisy? (LOL!)
There are plenty of others, but haven't been collecting.
After this, I'll have another entry regarding some interesting news.
Also, katsuki teaches us a valuable lesson about heatstroke effects. But I'll keep it all brief.
いくら好きでも…(Basically, Katsuki felt sick from the heat and vomited. Before, she was a little careless with what she was eating; before that, she was a part of a one hour photo. Maybe she was confident because she drank sport drinks and was near an AC; afterwards, to "cool her body", she ate ice cream. Here or there, she drank some iced coffee. Apparently the coffee was diuretic oh dear...(o.o;), and assumed it caused dehydration. After the vomiting, a kohai helped her home when she rested. She felt better afterward. "Please protect body from heatstroke."
あの頃は……The title is "In those days" and an angry face. More bullcrap on the train ^_^;; Don't play footsies with K-chan. least w/o permission One guy's posture might've been inappropriate because K says "座り込み" (which is like "sit-in", to show disobedience). It also says "foot spread". So she's sandwiched ^-^: and was pretty angry.
A voice in her heart seems to say, "MOVE!" However, she didn't lose and remained in her seat! There is something else about nostalgia but I can't make it out. or rather, I don't want to mess up the translation. I think it's something like this:
座っている皆で、少しずつ譲り合い、(everyone sits, mutual concessions)
空いた席に「ありがとうございます」と言って座る… (Within vacant seat, you say "thank you" and sit)
ちょっかい (meddler) Pesky K-chan
Katsuki pulling Tomato's tail. Oh, but she's truly enjoying the luxury of her lil' furry daughter not avoiding her? Broccoli intrudes! And the cats seem to look "angrily at each other: ^^;;
Cats don't like AC?