Shizukanaru Don Drama CD

Jul 29, 2012 00:18

[Photo later]

LINK: Shizukanaru Don: Performer Comments

Some information on a 2010 Drama CD because I've found a small interview, meaning more translating comments from the casts ;D The CD is called Shizukanaru Don, adapted from the manga series. The sales company is Momo and Grapes (キャラモモ; peaches and grapes).

When the head of the 2nd Shinsen-gumi is murdered, his son Kondo Shizuya (近藤静也) must take his place, but he was already the designer of an underwear company. Katsuki provides the voice of Kondo Shizuka (近藤妙; either Shizuka or Tae), Shizuya's beautiful mother who sees the talent within her son. She doesn't entirely agree with Shizuya's designer job and tries to advise him to stop it. However, she seems to show a permissive side? So that would make her the anego. =D

Katsuki as a gokudo character sounds pretty cool. I'd like to hear it! Her son Shizuya is voiced by Nakamura Yuichi.

The above link leads to official comments and a report. I won't "translate-attempt" everything, but just Katsuki's words and what anyone says about her.

Note: I had to make it a HTML file, and then Copy and Paste ^_^;

STATUS: Incomplete
Here we go:

1.聴き所、印象に残ったシーンをお願いします。 ()
 2.ファンの皆様へメッセージをお願いします。 ()

Katsuki's comments:
近藤妙役 勝生真紗子さん

FROM The Report:
1.) また、スタジオを唸らせたのが静也の母親である近藤妙を演じた勝生さん。もとより原作のファンだったとのことですが、こんなにピッタリな妙はない!というくらい原作通りでした。 もとより原作のファンだったとのことですが、こんなにピッタリな妙はない!

2.) 妙と静也のシリアスなシーンでは、声のトーンや演技はさえない昼の静也なのですが、迫力満点の勝生さんの妙と対等で話す静也に、内なる強さを感じさせる演技を聞かせてくださいました。
(About serious scene with Shizuka and Shizuya...! And Katsuki's FULL POWER!)

3.) 勝生さんはもとからファンだったなど。みなに愛されている原作だということが分かります。


NEWS: As we speak, Katsuki seems to be doing some charity work, or an event connected to the Japan Actors Guild.

cd, interview, translation

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