Quick Update

May 11, 2012 09:53

Hello Folks. Here's a new tiny update.

Nothing yet again. I do apologize; but, I am recently trying out Photoshop CS2 (Trial ver.) in hopes of constructing something for the community's layout. I'm still new at it and it's complex. With a little faith (and time), I could try and make a nice banner that will complement this fan com. Perhaps a background image as well, but my main focus is a header at the moment.

I also want to make sure that the Blurbs can be seen, but only specific LJ layouts will allow that.

* OKINAWA: Travel!
Katsu had quite an eventful week. She went to Okinawa and got a sunburn, lol. We learn that she is weak in meat. But she likes seafood. Check out her TWIPPLE Gallery for shots of the beach and such. Such a beautiful place! Also a photo of Nakajin Castle.

Returning from her trip, she's back at work. Loss of direction? Katsuki seems to be working on a fighting game. Her tension was high but there was no need for it to say her lines. She is fatigued afterward.

According to Wikipedia, Katsuki seemed to have appeared in the following shows:
* Revenge (Dubbing; TV Drama)

I can't fully confirm since I haven't watched them. Also, the NARUTO spin-off ROCK LEE: Seishun Full-Power_Ninden", Tsunade appeared (or will). Please keep an eye out.

RE:ORC Cast List
If anyone is curious about the dub cast of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Biohazard), here is a list:

Lupo → 勝生真沙子 (Katsuki masako)
Vector → 中村悠一 (Nakamura Yuuichi)
Beltway → 斉藤次郎 (Saitou Jirou)
Four-Eyes → ゆかな (Yukana)
Bertha → 沢海陽子 (SOumi Yoko)
Spector → 山口登 (Yamaguchi Noboru. Strange. )
U.S.S. コマンド → 黒田崇矢 (Kuroda Takaya)

Dee-Ay → 喜山茂雄 (Kiyama Shigeo)
Willlow → 小池亜希子 (Koike Akiko)
Tweed → 宇乃音亜季 (Unone Aki)
Shona → 船木真人 (Funaki Masato)
Harley → 楠見尚己 (Kusumi Naomi)
Party Girl → 慶長佑香 (けいちょう ゆか)
Spec Ops コマンド → 星野充昭 (Hoshino Mitsuaki)

レオン → 森川智之 (Leon/Morikawa Toshiyuki)
クレア → 甲斐田裕子 (Claire/Kaida Yuko)
シェリー=バーキン → 金元寿子 (Julie/Kanemoto Hisako)
エイダ → 皆川純子 (Ada/Minagawa Junko)
ジル → 湯屋敦子 (Jill/Yuya Atsuko)
カルロス=オリヴェイラ → 安元洋貴 (Carlos/Yasumoto Hiroki)
ハンク → てらそま まさき (HUNK is voiced by Terasoma Masaki)
Lone Wolf → 井上剛 (Inoue Go)
ニコライ=ジノビエフ → 三宅健太 (Nikolai/Miyake Kenta)
ウィリアム=バーキン → 関俊彦 (Seki Toshihiko voices William Birkin)
 岡田栄美 (Okada Eimi)
 清水秀光 (shimizu hidemitsu)
 茂木たかまさ (Mogi Hidemitsu)
 佐々木義人 (Sasaki Yoshihito)
 村上裕哉 (murakami yuuya)
 高橋英則 (Takahashi Hidenori)
 坂巻学 (Sakamaki manabu)

twitter, update, naruto

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