Hello K_M,
It's February. Long time no see, it's Doggie with a report.
I must again humbly apologize for my lack of activity. I'm a little discouraged to work on the layout and I haven't been updating the links or the resumes, but I come with a little news.
.hack//The Movie
Let's start with Dot Hack movie (Title: ドットハック セカイの向こうに) since I've been curious about it. According to Wikipedia (Japanese), Katsuki's character is Kamachi Yuka (蒲池 友香; カマチ ユウカ). In The WORLD, online game of the .hack series, she apparently uses a
Harvest Cleic (呪療士; juroushi).
Twitter World
Well, let's see. Katsu-chan posted plenty of updates on her progress on Monster Rancher, including her
attaining the sword Jinrai and
Royal Ludroth (ロアルドロス) and Barroth (ボルボロス). Qurupeco (クルペッコ), because it retreats in the air, frustrated her a while back. Majority of the time, she asks for help on the game. ^^;
Also, she is not good in a fighting game?
Katsu also watched a
a few of the recent NARUTO episodes and weeped. Daww..
Also, another Daww moment: To a person who had her uterus removed because of a myouma (Dripping inside??), Katsu-chan says
A lovely thing. Something like this: "The proof of being a woman is not [from] the structure of the body. But the heart, I think. You are a lovely woman."
Resident Evil game Appearance
RACOON CITY Official Website (Japanese)
Official Site - English Version~
Wikipedia Article (English)~
Confirmation on TWITTER~
RE/Biohazard WIKI OK! finally, some new material. Resident Evil (biohazard) Fans this is for you.
In the upcoming game RESIDENT EVIL: Operation Raccon City, Katsu provides the japanese dubbed voice for Lupo (ルポ役)!
(click for full resolution)
Lupo, real name Karena Lesproux, is the team leader of the Umbrella Security Service (U.S.S) squad WOLFPACK, qhich disposes ALL evidence of the Umbrella outbreak (opposing team Spec Ops.). By her teammates, she is affectionately called Wolf Mother (狼の母) b Her specialty is Assault and she seems capable of both great close range (on her back in a machete) and ranged fire. Katsu seems to fit very very well as a soldier/officer character. Her severe voice demands discipline and instant judgement.
is it strange coming out of such a soft person? lol
Here's the Japanese dubbed trailer. x.x; I love special forces. So badass.
Click to view
English trailer is here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucDvl8czUH4&feature=relatedAlso, gameplay video (english):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQwCbRBLecg Release dates for the game:
North America: March 20, 2012
Australia: March 22, 2012
Europe: March 23, 2012
Japan: April 26, 2012
Are you guys enjoying the Shakugan no SHana III?