*Smacks forehead* (^-^;)

Jan 04, 2012 12:51

Aw man, it's Wednesday. Already, I'm slow. Here's the work lineup:

1.) ♥ Source Link Directory ♥
2.) Tag: Resume
3.) Layout (I can, at best, make a header and a plain background)
4.) Twitter Memories


On Twitter, more Monster Hunter fun as Katsuki runs into trouble. While practicing underwater battle, which she has a weak point in, she runs into Lagrarius (MH Wiki) and gets scared. LOL!
* "Underwater battle...it's completely difficult." T-T

* Encouragement by game nerd Okiayu
Okiayu Ryotaro: "FIGHT!" (Head pat)
Katsuki: I..I..try. I...think.

* Basically, she punks out and goes on lv 1 quest. (LOL!) But she will challenge again (or did she?)

While we're on this topic, about Twitter Memories. I'm starting to doubt the idea. Lots of work, I'd have to check Twitter obsessiveness daily, and what would be considered "interesting" tweets? I probably should just recommend TwitLog (of @Gakosamada, which should give at least a month or two of archived twits (especially if registered). I also can't collect anything from past dates, like in Sept and October unless I did a lot of searching. It may be impossible even. Twits moves in a flash, but Katsu has an enjoyable character that likes company so don't miss out.

Besides, occasionally, I do post what she is doing. Like right now ;)
"Heeey everyone, do you like fortune telling?"

The Rest
Source Link Directory: Get back to that

Tag "Resume": Add as much as possible

Layout: I don't use Photoshop. Long ago, I used a trial version and was not good at it at all I'm like Katsu with her Smartphone. I hope that I can manage something with the layout, at least not make it so plain.

BTW, because of the livejournal changes, does anyone have any difficulty with posting in general?

I hope I didn't remove a member from the community by accident, did I? If I did, then I apologize. There was some spam usernames that I was trying to get rid of.

If there are any new members, I welcome you to the community!

Let's close this entry, and face this New Year with comical Tsudy.

image Click to view

Isn't your other hobby, "sleeping" or "drinking"? Or bathing in the hot springs? Make something up! I know! 3DS!

new year, video clips, twitter, funny, update, naruto

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