Oct 03, 2010 22:03
Fall is a sneaky thing. It creeps up on you so unexpectedly, yet rather gently too. Just a week ago I was sweating at recess, and today I could barely have the window open without getting cold.
Fall used to scare me. I used to wish away any sign or hint of fall - leaves changing, dreary rainy Saturday nights, football games. I didn't want a thing to do with any of that. Every inch of that rewound to a moment in time that I wanted to stay frozen. I would countdown the days until October was over, once a friend took it upon himself to rename the month for me.
But now? Now I embrace fall. I don't think that this happened suddenly. Actually, I know it didn't. I know about four years ago I was still in a daze through October, but three years ago it wasn't so bad...although icky still. Two years ago I actually dressed up for Halloween with anticipation, and last year, I looked forward to every part of fall. I think a lot of that had to do with my husband - his whole family has a career based around this season. They have no bitterness or fear towards this season, so how can I? Their busy season is their bountiful season, and it can be mine too.
The cider, the apples, the leaves changing that I used to despise. I now look forward to all of that. Fall means something different to me now. I think fall is a general reminder that it's time for transition, and although I used to hate that, I think I prefer that. Fall gradually prepares us for winter - it's kind to us and gives us that gentle nudge. Could you imagine going from summer to winter? What a rude awakening that would be.
Fall is in our favor.
October will always, always be a month for memories for me. A month of fear, anxiety, and a whole heck of a lot of loss. But it doesn't have to be just that. October can be new and fun. October can be inviting.
Bring it on, October.