dilettantka, I got the package today!!! *____* Sank yu sooooo much!! *huggles tightly* And once again sank yu sooo much
rkold for buying all this stuff. *happy*
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the Rikkai singles. All of them. Especially Yukimura's. *___* OMG!! Sooooooo sexy. And the remix is awesome. *dead*
Practice this weekend was okay. We still have some problems with the Hameln song...but I hope we can fix them till our perfeormance this weekend. ^^;;
miki_sama Wir gehn am Freitag nicht auf die Con, da die erst um 19:00 Uhr aufmacht. Haben regulären Katsu-Donnerstag. Also sag bescheit ob du direkt herkommst oder
mim Zug dann oder so. ^^;;
Need to buy white shorts and a pair of "men-shoes". Also have to die my hair all black again for Kaidoh cosplay. so much work so little time. ^^;