
Jun 24, 2004 00:45

i've been slacking. but, then pollen is trying to kill me. i'm telling you. my one eye is red, raw and puffy from all the damn watering. and my nose burns and stings. and yes sinus pain and headaches are a pain in the ass. and yes i'm whining but, it's my journal and i'm allowed to. when you have to walk around all day feeling like someone dumped and entire jar of pepper up your nose it kind of gets to you after awhile. and when your eyes act like they could water until next week it gets a little aggravating. i think i'm done now. i started saying i've been slacking on my journals again. somehow i seem to be getting depressed because, being outside sets off the histamine alarm system and sends my allergies into overdrive. so, i feel like i'm trapped in my apartment. i thought i was done bitching about that. i've been spending alot of time by myself which has made me start thinking about things that i need to change. for those of you lucky enough to be friended to my other journal you'll see what i'm talking about at my other journal. it's almost 1am and normal people are sleeping or getting ready for bed. not me. i'm doing laundry. i'm doing towels. and i really hope they're almost dry. i talked to both of my kids today. i miss them so, much. i went and sat on their beds. here i thought i'd be free to do this and that. yeah. i don't see how i'm doing that at the moment. i'm sitting here going "now what?". it's like i'm mentally twittling my thumbs. my boyfriend has been good about taking me out and doing things with me. and i really appreciate that. but, when i'm by myself i feel like i'm at a loss of what to do. i still can't believe my son is 13. unreal. damn i'm getting old. well, i'm going to check on the towels. and then i should probably pretend to be something near normal and at least get ready for bed. i'll probably update my other journal tomorrow after i finish reading and catching up on my friends journals.
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