
Jun 03, 2004 20:52

my boyfriend bought us chinese food for dinner. it was good. something really interesting happened. after we finished eating he left the table to watch tv in the livingroom. my son finished eating next and went in the livingroom with my boyfriend. then my son came into the diningroom where my daughter and i were still eating. he grabs a fortune cookie off the table and goes back into the livingroom. when my daughter and i finished eating we grabbed our fortune cookies and left one laying on the table for my boyfriend. i guess my son told my daughter to throw my boyfriend his fortune cookie because, she did. so, i open my fortune cookie and i'm reading the fortune and i'm eating the cookie when my daughter wants to read my fortune. so, i let her. as she's reading mine my son starts reading my boyfriends fortune out loud from the livingroom. and my boyfriend had the exact same fortune as i did. now i know these cookies come out of a box and there are doubles all the time. but, this is the 2nd time this happened. and i don't even know if it's from the same restaurant. and it happened a few years ago. it just totally floored me. the first time it happened the fortune had to do with love and lovers. and this time it talked about happiness. now i know these are just cookies and fortunes that are doubled all the time but, it's just so, weird that we both got the same fortune 2 different times. the first time the fortunes weren't the same as the ones now. but, how often does that happen? has this ever happened to you? i'm just curious.
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