Writing? What's That?

Feb 08, 2009 02:11

The muse seems to be more in the mood to cooperate this month--so far. I'm praying it continues beyond just this first week, but I suppose I'll take whatever I can get, lol. Anyway, as I've had several days in a row now of 1k+ progress, I thought I'd go ahead and post a progress report. :)

Title: It's The Little Things
Fandom: SGA
Words: 6112 on 2/4 thru 2/7; 43,466 total words so far

For those of you wondering how I'm doing in the getyourwordsout venture? Um, well...better but not spectacular. I'm slowly but surely catching up though, so we'll see. Thankfully I have a lot of time to make up the January deficit--provided the muse will stick around! Here's the little widget-thingie with the gory details:

16,890 / 350,000

So that's what I've been up to this weekend. :) For those of you also struggling with the words, I wish you a very fun uber-productive and word-filled day! For those who aren't engaging in the War of The Words, hope you also have a day filled with much fun and joy! :)


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