SGA Fic: Cutting The Gordian Knot, Pt. 4/4

May 31, 2008 23:41

See Part One for Header info.


Though they'd had pause to rest on several occasions--mostly due to John's injuries, Teyla's estimate had been pretty accurate. It had taken them just over half an hour to reach the canyon. John was thankful that her memory had been flawless and she was able to guide them directly to the forbidden entrance.

They couldn't help but be awed by its beauty. The white rock walls sparkled like they were studded with diamonds. Vegetation was sparse, consisting of clumps of dark green bushes sprinkled haphazardly throughout the canyon floor. Their contrast with the blinding white of walls was striking.

Neither spoke as they slowly made their way deeper into the chasm. It was Teyla who finally called for a break about a mile in, much to John's relief--not that he'd admit it. Though he'd been using his makeshift crutch the entire way, his knee was throbbing badly and far more swollen than when they'd started out. He'd never let on, but he honestly wasn't certain how much farther he could go on it.

"I do not see anything that resembles a mirror here,' announced Teyla, wearily stretching her shoulders.

Intently studying a section of wall across and down from them, John didn't immediately answer. He frowned, his eyes roaming over the expanse of rock. "Maybe."

"You have found something?"

He pointed to an area roughly ten feet square. "Does that look like a frame to you?"

Her eyes followed his finger as he pointed out the area he had been studying. The frame was camouflaged enough to blend into its surroundings, but if one looked carefully it was easy enough to pick out. "Yes, I see it. But where is the mirror?"

He studied it a moment longer before answering. "It's not active. Look, the surface inside is smoother than outside. That's it. That's our quantum mirror. I'd bet a month's pay on it."

She frowned. "How does one activate one of these…quantum mirrors?"

"With a controller. Which I'm sure he hid somewhere--that's what I'd do. It's got to be around here someplace. He couldn't have sent the kids through without it." Squinting, he began to visually scour the surrounding terrain.

It was Teyla who spotted the stash. "There!" Before John could say a word, she had gone over to retrieve the pack hidden in the nearby bushes.

She brought it over and set it in front of him before opening it. "Careful," he cautioned, watching her pull out what was obviously the controller.

"Do you know how to use it?" She carefully handed it over to him, treating it like the most fragile of crystal.

"Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Help me up, will you?" He gingerly set the controller on the ground, grunting loudly as she pulled him to his feet. Once he was steady, he pointed to the device. "Would you mind?"

"Of course." She handed him the device and then checked to see what else was in the pack. "Here are the controls crystals for the DHD."

"That's good. At least we know we can get back home."

"What do we do next?" she asked, setting the bag aside.

He paused, looking at the body of his double. "First, let's put him over there." He nodded to indicate a spot in view of the mirror. "Then I want you to stay out of sight until we know what we're dealing with here."

"You expect trouble."

He half-nodded. "Let's just say I'd rather be safe than sorry."

Once she had hidden and was out of sight, he activated the device.

It didn't take him long to figure out the controls; he'd gotten the basics from the SGC reports and, as with most Ancient tech, he quickly discovered an instinctive ability with it. He paged through the different realities, looking for any detail that would identify the one he sought.

He'd thought he'd found it several times when he'd seen an anxious looking Teyla waiting opposite him, but then Ronon, Rodney, or Ford would appear next to her. Each time he shook his head and waved, moving immediately on to the next reality.

He knew instantly when he'd truly found the right one. The other Teyla's relief lit up her entire face, and yet there was still a bone-weary air about her. When he didn't return her smile, her joy evaporated, replaced by an uncertainty that unnerved him more than he cared to admit.

He lowered his eyes and glanced to the body nearby. The moment she realized what she was seeing, her hand flew to her mouth. She swayed as she grabbed her midsection, bending under the weight of her grief.

When she was able to pull herself together, she raised her arms and slowly turned in a complete circle before extending her hand toward the mirror. She paused before touching it, her eyes asking his permission to proceed. Satisfied that she'd shown she was carrying no obvious weapons, he nodded. She, in turn, closed the gap and the mirror shimmered.

She didn't hesitate, but went straight to the body, gathering it into her arms. Silently crying, she gently uncovered his face. Noting the scratches, she glared up at the living John. "What have you done to him?"

"Wait just a minute--I'm the one he threw off a mountain and tried to kill," he protested.

"I believe he was attempting to return to your reality," said her double. "He fled while I was procuring fresh water, but made no effort to prevent anyone following him. Those scratches are from the brush he was running through. It was obvious he was in a great hurry."

Her tears continued as she reached down to reverently smooth his unruly hair. "I tried many times to convince him this was too dangerous to attempt alone, but he refused to listen."

"Why did he come back?" asked John. "He had the kids, so why risk it?"

She smiled sadly through the tears. "For your medical supplies. Our reserves are dwindling badly."

He shook his head. "I don't buy it. He could have snagged them and been gone with us none the wiser. Try again."

She looked away, continuing to absently stroke the dark hair as she held his body close. "I can only assume that he hoped to procure more of your weapons, in particular your C4 explosives. He has been quite concerned as our supplies are nearly depleted."

He pinched his nose in a vain attempt to stave off the pounding headache. "Ok, that I get. I even get the medical supplies. What I do not get is why he took the kids. I suppose you're going to tell me your supplies of those are dwindling, too?"

His sarcasm was biting, but she didn't seem to notice, continuing to look off in the distance. "In a manner of speaking, yes."

"Oh really? Well why don't you go ahead and explain to us exactly what manner of speaking would that be?"

Startled, she finally looked at him. "He did not tell you?"

"Would I be asking if he had?"

Another tear escaped to slip down her cheek. "You are so like him. Like he was…before."

He didn't like the comparison at all and ignored her sad smile, quickly steering her back to the matter at hand. "Tell us why you took the kids," he snapped.

She looked away, her gaze returning to the body of her reality's John. Fighting back tears, she began to explain. "I assume he told you of the Hoffan's serum and losing Atlantis?"

"Yeah." John's voice was thick, but his resolve remained firmly in place.

She nodded, unconsciously hugging the body tighter. "When it was certain that the Wraith were no longer a threat, John became concerned about overpopulation. He was afraid of food shortages and all of the many problems that come with uncontrolled growth. So he kept the network in place, asking for regular census reports. Including the number of expectant mothers.

"After several months, it became apparent that there was a problem. People started to become ill; many died. It was not like any epidemic we had ever seen. It struck everywhere at the same time; not a single world had been spared. A short time after that, we realized that not a single new pregnancy had been reported on any planet. Not one, not in the entire galaxy. Ladon attempted to ascertain a cause, but he is not a doctor. No one wanted to admit it, but we all knew the cause was the serum."

She paused, again needing to gather her composure. Neither John nor his own Teyla spoke, allowing her to continue at her own pace. Finally, she cleared her throat and began again. "One of our early labs was on this planet in our reality. The Wraith attacked, and when they were through, not a single soul was left alive. John chose it to set up the hub of the communications network. He was there gathering the latest reports one day when suddenly Rodney appeared out of no where. He had discovered the mirror and come through with his team.

"Upon learning of our situation, that Dr. McKay summoned his reality's Carson. Dr. Beckett quickly confirmed that the serum had caused not only the epidemic, but irreversible sterility in all of the survivors. The human race in our reality was doomed to die out within a few short years and there was no way to prevent it. He could do nothing to help us. Nothing, save to offer a few medical supplies."

She went back to subconsciously stroking the deceased man's head. "John asked if he could visit their Atlantis. He was granted permission and left for several days. He was pale and ill-looking upon his return, but recovered quickly."

Her eyes grew distant as she continued. "He was very quiet for many days after. I assumed that it was due to his grief over losing Atlantis and did not attempt to push him to speak of it.

"Several weeks after his return he came to me with a plan. He had discovered a sort of map of the different realities and their mirrors while on the other Atlantis. He proposed that we visit these other realities, insisting they were the solution to our problem."

John's eyes narrowed in anger. "So you just started dialing up different realities and killing people so you could take their kids."

"Of course not!" she shot back, her eyes flashing with her own ire. "Our plan was to invite those from worlds which had been destroyed in our reality to join us and resettle their villages and cities, to live without fear of the Wraith ever again. John told us of this entropic cascade failure, so we knew that we could not invite anyone with a living counterpart."

Her voice broke as her anger quickly faded. "We visited reality after reality, world after world, but no one would listen. They could not believe that a place existed where there was no longer any threat from the Wraith. They all feared it was a trick to rob them and steal their lands."

Her tear-filled eyes looked desperately into his. "Can you not see that we had no choice? So many sacrificed so very much to win the battle against the Wraith. Not only those who lost their lives, but those who were left behind. How could we sit by and let all of their pain, all of their agony, all that they sacrificed be for nothing? How?"

John's gaze never wavered. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened to you--all of you. But that doesn't give you the right to go into other realities and kill off entire villages. You can't just take what you want and damn the consequences. Desperate or not, that makes you no better than the Wraith."

"The very future of the entire human race was at stake--you would have done the same in our place!"

He shook his head adamantly. "No. No way. I don't care how desperate the situation, there is no possible justification for murdering innocent villagers and taking their children. Period." He paused a moment to allow his words to sink in. "And if he and I were as alike as you say, I'm sure he told you that."

She seemed to deflate before their very eyes. "Yes, he did," she choked out. "But I persuaded him that it must be done. It is my fault that he is dead."

She began to sob, then, her whole body shaking as she rocked the dead John. "Please forgive me. I am so very sorry," she murmured into his hair. "I did not mean to ask so much of you."

John shot a helpless look at his Teyla. In return, her eyes told him to allow her the space to ride it out and release her grief. He nodded and turned away to wait it out, too uncomfortable to watch.

It was a long while before she was able to compose herself. John had long since had to sit down to relieve his injured knee. Teyla stood protectively over him, waiting for her double to recover. Finally, the other Teyla turned to them, her cheeks still stained with tears. "If you would be so kind as to assist me, I should take him home now."

John grabbed his Teyla's arm before she could move forward to help as requested. Grunting, he pulled himself to his feet with her assistance. "Oh, I don't think so. Not yet. We need to get a few things settled first."

The other Teyla frowned. "I do not understand."

John hopped forward to face her after his Teyla handed him his homemade crutch. "You have our kids. We want them back."

Shocked by his request, her eyes darted immediately to the body she still held. Reverently, she lowered him to the ground and climbed to her feet. Her eyes danced with anger as she stood there toe-to-toe with him. "Do with me what you will, but I will not help you retrieve the children. I cannot and will not allow his sacrifice to have been for nothing."

"Then you leave us no choice but to use force. People are going to get hurt, some may even die. And every wound, every death--all of it will be squarely on your head." Sheppard wasn't mincing words and his expression confirmed his determination.

"No, it will be on yours." The alternate Teyla was not budging an inch. "What do these children have waiting for them here? Nothing! I cannot undo what has been done here, but I can do my utmost to make up for it. I can see that each of these children is raised in a loving home, one that is safe from cullings and Wraith attacks. Do what you must, but you cannot deny that they will be better off in my reality."

"She is right."

John nearly lost his balance as he rounded on his Teyla. "Are you kidding me? You're going to trust those kids to the people who killed their parents?"

She stood firm, nodding. "Yes. As much as it pains me to admit it, Jalea would want Ryssa to grow up in a loving home. And while I can provide that, I cannot offer her such a home in place where she will never again have to fear the Wraith."

John considered her words carefully before turning to the other Teyla. "How many other realities have you raided?"

She remained defiant. "What does that matter?"

He rolled his eyes. "It matters because I need to know that those kids are going to be ok when the…original population is gone and they're all that's left."

He was beginning to wonder if she was going to answer him by the time she finally spoke. "I do not see the need for you to know specifics. However, I do understand your concern and can assure you that their numbers are sufficient enough that they will be able to flourish."

He tilted his head back, allowing the sun to bathe his face while he pondered her statement. He again met her gaze evenly. "Even if there are no further…additions from other realities?"

Her eyes widened as his meaning set in, but she slowly nodded. "It will be difficult, but yes, even then."

He turned again to his Teyla. "You're sure about this?"

After careful consideration, she nodded. "Yes."

"Ok." He nodded toward his double. "Let's send 'em home."

Together, the two Teylas moved the body closer to the mirror. Not a word was spoken; no pleasantries or wishes of good luck were exchanged. As she was about to touch the mirror, John spoke. "You'll have twenty minutes to get yourself clear of the area once you're through."

She paused, glaring at him. "You have no right."

He shrugged. "Yeah, well neither did you, but that sure didn't stop you."

Still glowering, she reached out and touched the mirror. He was relieved to see her waste no time in leaving the area once on the other side. In turn, he wasted no time in removing C4 blocks and timers from his vest pockets. He tossed his Teyla one of the bundles. "Set the timer for two minutes. We'll send it through and blow that one first, then take care of this one."

She nodded and silently set about completing the task.

He watched her carefully as they waited the allotted time for the alternate Teyla to flee the area, worried by the way she closed herself off from him. He knew exactly what her thoughts were; he was himself doing his utmost to keep from looking too hard at his double's actions. There would be time enough for that later, once they were safely back in Atlantis. For now, there was work to be done and a teammate to get safely home.

His watch beeped, prompting him to turn to her. "Do it."

She nodded and walked to the mirror, carefully sending the charge through to the other side.

In no time he had the charge set on their own mirror. Placing the controller next to it, he turned to her. "Come on, time to go home."

She nodded, grabbing the pack with the control crystals for the DHD inside it.

They had been walking in silence for some time when the ground shook beneath their feet. "So. I guess that's the end of that. Can we stop a minute?" he asked, dropping to the ground next to a tree.

Immediately concerned, she went to his side. "Are you all right? I should have noticed you were tiring; I am sorry."

He grimaced, using his hands to move his injured leg. "Nah, I'm ok. Nothing a little time in Beckett's clutches won't cure--along with some of his heavy-duty magic pills."

She smiled and nodded, but it didn't last. Watching the dust cloud in the distance, she finally began to open up. "Do you believe we did the right thing?"

He thought it over before answering. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. You've been awfully quiet. Having second thoughts?"

She continued to look into the distance. "I have been thinking about all that they have gone through. I cannot help but wonder if I would have done the same in her place."

"You wouldn't."

She turned to look at him, her surprise at his conviction evident in her expression. "You seem very certain of that."

"Yep, I am. Look, I know that growing up in the Pegasus galaxy and living under the constant threat from the Wraith, you have, well, a different perspective when it comes to certain things. But I know you well enough by now to know that you would never condone the senseless slaughter of all those innocent people. Not ever. We would have found another way. Someway, somehow, we'd have found another way."

As she pondered his words, a thought occurred to her. "Do you regret having to destroy the mirror?"

He snorted. "No, no way. That thing was way too dangerous to leave in tact." He grimaced, unable to stifle a groan.

"Is the pain worse?"

"No, I was just thinking about what Rodney's going to say when he finds out."

"He will…not be pleased."

"That's putting it mildly." Laughing, he reached for his crutch. "Help me up--we need to get moving."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

"He's never going to let us hear the end of it, you know." John smiled as they set off, their pace slow and lazy.

"No, he certainly will not. What do you propose to do about it?"

John's eyes twinkled mischievously. "I don't suppose you heard about his little performance when Carson had him doped to the gills?"

Teyla shook her head. "A few rumors, but nothing of substance."

"He was pretty out of it, from what I understand. So when Carson told him he had an arrow in his gluteus maximus, it took Rodney a minute to comprehend."

Teyla frowned. "And what does this have to with my question?"

His grin broadened. "Well, I figure that every time McKay brings up the fact that we blew up the mirror, all I'll have to do is say, "Oh my god, that's my ass!" and he'll shut up pretty quickly."

She laughed heartily at his drugged-Rodney impression, in spite of herself. "John," she scolded.

He shrugged. "Yeah, okay, I guess you're right. This is Rodney we're talking about. It'll take a lot more than that to shut him up. We'll think of something."

"How can you be so certain?" she asked, playing along.

He stopped and turned to face her, shrugging. "We always do. Come on--I'll race you to the gate."

She shook her head in amusement and watched him feign hopping madly down the path toward the gate. "John?"

He paused, and carefully balancing, turned back to face her. "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

Again, he shrugged. "No problem. That's what families are for."

She watched as he turned and resumed his fake mad hop to the gate. Smiling broadly, she raced to catch up.

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