"Mischief Accomplished!"

Mar 18, 2008 15:48

I've been teh suck at updating again, I know. *sigh* Lots been going on here, tho not much of it falls in the Good-Stuff category. But things could be worse, because instead of Bad-Stuff mostly it's CouldaBeenWorse-Stuff.


--Yesterday was spent in STL readingwaiting in the surgeon's office waiting room while R had a skin cancer removed. Though it took several 'passes', they seemed happy with the way things went, though they did mention a number of times that R should go have blood pressure checked with primary care (which of course, I have been saying for months now. But hey, what do I know? *rolls eyes*). After we finally got back to IL, it was well into dinner hour and I so did not feel like cooking. After very brief discussion, we stopped in a locally-owned place for some corned beef & cabbage with red potatoes and carrots. It was very good, but the servings where huge and I ended up bringing half of mine home with me. There was also pistachio cake for dessert, which honestly wasn't all that good and had me wishing I'd skipped it. After that we stopped at the drug store to get R's tylenol-3 prescription filled, which of course took over an hour. *sigh* By the time we finally got home, I put on the jammies and finally got to shed the knee brace. (tho they were probably fine under most circumstances, the chairs in the doc's office did not allow me to comfortably stretch out my leg and the knee was killing me by the time I got home) I managed to get the ice on it twice, but ended up falling asleep with the ice pack still on it the second time (tho I will not be sharing that last bit with Chiro, as he would not be at all pleased to hear it...). After that I gave up, took a darvocet, and then went to bed. I only realized this morning when I got up that I had not even checked email or turned on the laptop at all, lol.

--Knee is still not good. Primary care is calling it arthritis, tho Chiro is suggesting that there is also some injury involved. Good news there is that he does think he can help, so for the next month I'll be getting physical therapy and treatment three times a week. I am totally frustrated with primary care. I got virtually NO information or useful help there. Chiro, on the other hand, actually sat down with me and went over x-rays, pointing out the spots that the MDs are calling arthritis. There is still "a lot of space between the bones" in my knee, which he says is a very good thing and means that they should be able to help me with the pain. He also gave me a brace to wear and it's a better one that what I had found in the drug stores when I looked after the NP recommended getting one. Chiro also said no to Curves, which the NP said "should probably be ok" when I asked. Chiro did say that I could do the upper-body machines at Curves, but for now to stay away from the lower-body ones. So I'm planning to get started back with that later this week.

--Kidlets are good, though kidlet #2 has been having some bronchitis and broke out in hives over the weekend. She's doing good now tho and went back to school today. Kidlet #1 was here over the weekend and went shopping with us on Sat. She has been wanting this horse game for her DS ever since she got the DS for Christmas, so we broke down and picked it up for her since she was being so good. It's a lot more difficult than the dog game, but I think she'll manage it all right. Both kidlets will be with their dad's on Easter, but we'll be heading up to the parentals for the holiday. Weather predictions are not good, which will mean all the nieces and nephews will be playing indoors and that does not make for a nice, quiet holiday. *sigh*

Okies, time to stop whining and go fix dinner now, lol. Hope you've all been having a much better month than I have so far! :)


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