Am NOT a Happy Camper...

May 16, 2007 17:06

Grabbed the mail on my way out to see The Back-Cracker this afternoon and find there is a letter from my bank. I recieved my new checks a couple of weeks ago and did a quick perusal of the details. I didn't notice anything wrong, so I used one for the power bill and one for the rent. Which brings me to today's letter. Apparently I didn't notice that there was an error in the account number. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

I specifically ordered the new checks early enough so I'd have them before next week when I leave for Media West Con. I ran back inside and called the check printers, only to be told the person I needed to speak with was in a meeting. Call back in an hour, she says. I can't, I have an appointment myself in twenty minutes, I say. Oh, no problem, she says. Can you call when you get home? We're here until 10:30pm Mountain time. Fine, I agree and go off to get the back cracked. Hit the grocery store and get home about 2 hrs after I first called. Dial the number and tell the woman (different that the first one) that they got my account number wrong when checks were printed. Oh, dear, she says. They're not here anymore--went home for the day. That particular department closes at 3pm every day and it's now 3:30. Now wtf didn't the first woman tell me this? I could have come home and called before heading to the store or hurried through the store faster and called before putting all the groceries away. But no, she tells me the wrong time and now I have to call back again tomorrow--arrrrrgh!! I am NOT happy with them AT ALL!

So yeah, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! to the entire lot of them. :P


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