Jun 05, 2008 15:22
not that I've been much of a religious tennis fan before now, but ehh. Maria Sharapova is actually like, my girlcrush. And I never get those, never ever ever ever everrr. But she's gorgeous. And she plays really well, no matter what those stupidass critics have to say, even if she does sound like a man when she's on court. AND UM WTF@SAFINA? I mean I was sort of rooting for her in the beginning, but I wanted Maria to winnnnn. And now like, she's lost her number 1 spot to Ivanovic/Jankovic, which is depressing, because she would've made a great #1. I dunno, balance out the Federer looks.
It would be great if Safina won the French Open, sort of like Jennifer Hudson's cinderella story at the Oscars. But I don't want to see... I think it's Ivanovic? get beaten, 'cause then she'll probably lose that spot too. I dunno. Tennis is confusing.
BUT OH MY GOD NOVAK DJOKOVIC. Ahh those Serbs, I love them. Now I don't even know if I want Nadal to win... no yes I take that back, RAFA FOR FRENCH OPEN 'O8. I mean come on, HE NEEDS TO MAKE HISTORY. Clay's his only good court, he needs to whoop Federer's ass and win on the only court that he can beat him on. Djokovic can have Australia, but don't steal Rafa's glory D:
He's hilarious, though. Ahhaha and his site, IRRISTABLE CHARM. And playing tennis in a tux? Umokay, I thought that was just Federer's style?
I love him. Just. Please lose in the semis. heartsies <3